Tuesday, March 31, 2009

They cause me to, uhm, die.

Ooooooooooh I can totally play the beginning of Space Dementia
it's pretty awesome

also I had a strange dream, and... hahahaha.
I think it was because the thing it was based around I hadn't thought about much, and then that day I had been thinking about it more? It had been forced in to my mind? (which is a good thing)
It was weird.
STRANGE! I am amused by it.

Wow I just heard some insane shrieking cats. Whoo.
OH YES today I was told about this thing. Toxoplasmosis! It goes in rats, and makes them bold so they go out in the day and when they usually wouldn't go out, so cats are more likely to catch them, and then they poo and it goes in the dirt and people do gardening without gloves and then the parasite goes in their brain and EATS IT.
Okay it doesn't eat it. But it's bad.

So because of this, I now believe that zombies will contain toxoplasmosis in them somewhere because they are so obsessed with eating brains. Zombies could just be a really massive toxoplasmosis parasite. Hahaha.

I have been downloading lots of muse videos from teh yewtyoobz. (wow what a messed up purposeful misspelling. Ftw!)
Oops I should email that homework. Heh.
Aaaaaaaaaannnywayyyy... what's the deal with stuff.
I feel like rambling but not.
Alsoo... I have this writing thing I have to resubmit and I haven't done it because it's LAME. L-A-M-E. I never want to see it again.
I mean, you cannot expect a not very strongly opinionated person to write a strong opinion piece! Jeez.

I think people are too obsessed with intelligence? (I am now going to be completely hypocritical and say if I had the chance to be a genius then OMG PLEASE LET ME BE SUPER INTELLIGENT I WANT NOTHING MORE.) I mean you can't really blame anyone for anything, it's technically their parents fault.
"you're dumb!"
"blame my parents."
Seriously, they are kind of the reason for everything that could be wrong in your life.
EVERYTHING! Although, why are they like that? because of their parents? So you can't really blame them. It kind of... doesn't work. BLAME THE WORLD! XD
So yeah people shouldn't be so judgmental, it seems that you can ONLY get a good job, get in to universities if you are a super hard studier, hard worker, really smart and intelligent. It's not really fair to not allow people of normal intelligence who don't work super hard 100% of the time to go to universities and have an equal chance of a good life. Yeah hard work should be rewarded and all that but can you really expect every single person in the world to be extremely diligent? Some people still want to do well but personalities and habits will often get in the way of that. Some people just don't WANT to spend their whole weekend revising algebra. Life seems to revolve around school, and it really shouldn't. It does take up basically most of your life, but it's because of that that it shouldn't mix with outside of school life! You know? YOU NEED TIME FOR YOURSELF. hahaha.
Also. School + home life? Today our dean was like "and so and so's grandfather just died, so be careful as she'll be quite fragile."

This made me... quite annoyed.
Firstly- this obsession with community spirit. Look, people aren't going to bond over that sort of thing. People do NOT want their private lives ALWAYS being shared with complete strangers. It's not really appropriate, particularly if you don't know whether or not that person is fine with you discussing it with strangers.

Look, you are more likely to be upset by someone sharing that news with everyone than you are by the fact that said person has died! I mean really, it's NOBODY'S business what happens in someone's personal life, and trying to pass it off as "I just don't want them to be insulted because this is a tough time for them" is not really a good excuse.
It's also rude to assume someone's emotional state. Fragile? Come on, who likes being called fragile, especially when you are NOT feeling fragile? Just... no.

Anyway. Yeah. Too much influence put on intelligence and EXAMS and crap. YEAH intelligence is important obviously! But it's very... varied. Intelligence- decided at birth or depending on how much you are taught in school? Amirite?
I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here, but, you know, don't be so critical of less smart people. THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO.

Also, COMPLETELY UNRELATED, I don't know how to do a segue... (man is that correct spelling?) but LOL SLASH AND YAOI.
See, some people (I think more the ones who use the term yaoi as opposed to slash but HEY GENERALISATION) like slash for the "hawt" and will find it "hawt" no matter who or what. Which is... pretty shallow. See, the "slash" things I like, I like them because they are FUNNY.
I like quite a lot of things, but they pretty much all have a basis in LOLS.
Well most naruto things are generally crack pairings considering I totally haven't followed the manga since like forever. (I miss good times old times naruto. CHUUNIN EXAMS FTW, nothing else compares really XD)
Fotc? it's a COMEDY, any homoeroticism is going to be kind of epic lols.
That one thing? AHAHAHAHAHA.
Does this make sense?
No, most likely not. But what I'm saying is, I'M NOT SHALLOW. =|
HAHAHAA Okay I know it's not all like that don't worry, but you know.
In short: hahahahahaha GOOD TIMES

So this is set out fairly messily so I shall depart for now. But I don't want to, because, I have to do that writing thing. VOMIT.

ALSO: What's the deal with all these vegetarian and vegan bands? Ugh, vegetables. How can you not eat meat? Oh well at least they have strong will power? hahahah

ALSO TWO: I seriously wish I could just live in this big loft apartment by myself. I feel like I would get so much more done. I would play the guitar and piano lots, read books, write, I would DO STUFF because, look. It gets boring with no one around and the computer gets boring too. So I will have to do other stuff. And if I am by myself in a nice aesthetically pleasing place where I can have a nice time I will be more willing to do stuff that is relevant to my interests. I always feel like I am being judged, which leads to me being unwilling to do stuff.
and the money to allow me that FREEEEEEDOM
oh yeah and did I mention I wish I was a GENIUS
oh wait- I can't have any of these things. OH WELL!
I added a new label in celebration of this. BOURGEOIS.
(I have this thing where I am jealous of everyone having more money than me. OH CRAP I JUST REMEMBERED FOOD BANK TOMORROW. Hahahahaha wow jeez, close one? Anyway yeah and I go to my friends "but you're rich" and they get all insulted and go "no I'm not!!!" yeah but you HAVE MORE MONEY. It's just a fact, there is nothing implied that comes with that statement. Basically I- I want more money?)

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