Friday, January 29, 2010

It's not you, it's me!

So hey Blogger.
We need to talk.
There's...someone else. No, they're an old friend of mine. Yeah, you might have heard me talk about them- yes, I know I said they were stupid and lame and that you were better, but... lately, I'm not so sure.
It's just... I need something more, you know? I need to know that it's long-lasting. I want this to work. Really, I do. I'm willing to work on it as long as you are. But you know... I have known Livejournal for a lot longer than I've known you. There's something comforting about them. No, I'm not cheating on you, okay?! I did basically abandon LJ for you, so you could at least be a little grateful!
I just have a different dynamic with LJ, okay? And a different dynamic with you, too. I just want to be able to spend an equal amount of time with both of you. I know you two probably wont ever get along, but hey. You will just have to DEAL WITH IT.

anyway! Do I have anything else to say right now? No, because the computer is going to be taken away in approx. 2 minutes.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am tired

Hmm so we went to our gran's house yesterday for dinner and found a big box of records under the stairs. I was...reticent to enter the cupboard under the stairs, as it was a very small space and there were a lot of cobwebs and whatnot. I'd been fine to go in there before, but that was when I was younger and as such my head wasn't as close to the ceiling as before. It took me a while to go in there, and when I did Hamish turned off the light and shut the door.
Oh yeah, that's real nice. A really nice thing to do to someone who doesn't like the combination of small spaces and potential spiders. And darkness. So I screamed until he opened it again. XD
Anyway, we didn't look through all the records (because judging by the height of the box there would be quite a lot) but we looked through the top and there were some really awesome things! There was David Bowie, Devo, The Rolling Stones, Blue Oyster Cult (I think that's their name) and other such things. There was also a disconcertingly large amount of Rod Stewart. That was not cool.
But yeah! I look forward to returning and perusing further to find out what other interesting gems there might be lurking in there. Should be good times!
That's all I have to say really. Although also, I must go and find Primary Colours by The Horrors and buy it. Because. It. Is. AMAZING. And I am annoyed that I didn't listen to it much before, because ASDHFGAGOAHG AFDG AOHO AOMG it's AMAZING guys.
And I want to marry it. I have to buy it. Okay.
Yeah well that's all.

Monday, January 18, 2010

John Paul, you my main man

HELP, I'm still an utterly paranoid lunatic looner nutcase psychopath
okay I'm not a psychopath but I am an utterly paranoid loser. I need someone to slap me,I need a general in the military, to slap me and shout "GET YO ACT TOGETHER, YOU LITTLE MAGGOT!! AIN'T NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU, OR YOUR PATHETIC LIFE! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!!!"
And then kick me so I fall over while trying to do twenty pushups
...actually I'm not really sure how this will help me get over my paranoia
is there anything you can do to stop being paranoid? It's completely irrational. But I can't heeeeeeeeeeeelp it. Heeeeeeeelp me!
THAT is why I am so paranoid. It's not like I'm looking up "how to blow up your school" on google or anything, I'm just paranoid! Like I said, it IS irrational, so yeah. But I think I can fairly say that's one of the causes for my paranoia. I mean it's not like anyone CARES what I'm doing (irrational, remember) but I can't but help think that I'll go "I TOTALLY think there should be Tony Harrison/Saboo fanfiction" and look it up for the lolz, and someone will be spying on me and go "WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS PERSON, ARREST HER IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!"
Also... I don't think I want Tony Harrison/Saboo fanfiction. That sounds...disturbing as hell, because you know, Tony Harrison is a pink bladder with tentacles. So.
The paranoia only happens when I feel particularly stupid about something, something I feel inherently embarrassed about because god knows why. So it's EVEN MORE STUPID, because I'm not paranoid ALL THE TIME, just some of the time. It's getting ridiculous.
Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

A peculiar coincidence happened today (I guess it wasn't reeeeeeeaally a coincidence, but it did strike me as rather peculiar.)
oh, yeah, and the Big Day Out was that thing that happened the other day? Yeah.
The Horrors, you guys! We were right up the front, it was most excellent. Although I didn't actually know any of their songs really, it was still cool, and the crowd was a bit crazy, I was practically falling over a lot of the time.

Anyway, I think I sat down for about, 45 minutes? In the course of the whole day? And it was a long day. And my feet were dead. The day after, I could barely walk. BUT! I have made a full recovery, hurrah hooray.
And of course there was MUSE.
Oh god they were so wonderful. I was in the D area, but quite far to the back, and there were lots of tall people and my vision was rather impaired by their height. Which was sucky and lame, I didn't get to see Chris headbanging like a lunatic, or Matt playing the guitar behind his head in Plug In Baby, or leaning against the amp, or doing a little floor slide, etc, etc.
BUT it was still great and wonderful and delightful, and they played Nishe, I mean wow. I was just listening to that now. XD

And I have ~*~officially~*~ scrobbled Muse 2000 times! I've listened to them more than that, but you know, that proves it's the bare minimum. XD

ANYWAY someone on the Muse boards (actually the guy I got my resistance boxset from, whoo!) said that if they returned it would probably be in November or December. OH PLEASE BE TRUE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (let me get what I want)
So yeah, they must return immediately. Ie in twelve months, whatever. So that I can arrive early, and get an excellent spot in the pit of mosh. So I can see everything, and be close to the front yet still able to jump up and down. (The jumping up and down at BDO was aweeeesome. So much fun!)

ANYWAY. I think that's all I have to report for now. I've been all obsessive and internet lurking as usual, and of course I have no one to uh, "squee" with, you know, because of that whole paranoia/embarrassment thing I have going on. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM, GUYS. I'M JUST...INHERENTLY EMBARRASSED ABOUT SOME THINGS, AND NOT OTHERS!! WHAT THE HELL?!

Guysssssss help me stop being paranoid, ookay?!?!

Also. My laptop is a pile of crap. It keeps
piece of junk. Stupid dells. Never buy a dell. They're crap okay.

Now, have this super awesome comic by Kate Beaton, who is also awesome. I think you should click on it. Okay.
Also: JAM!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ohhhhhh god

Amongst other things, I don't think I'll ever quite be able to understand the Supernatural fandom. And... other fandoms, of a similar bent, or, fans...who... ship


I might change my layout again.

Seriously, though. That's just

Sure, you can be all "well, if it's two responsible adults then I have no problem with it!"
but you know, if they're fictional and it is quite clear that such a situation would not have them acting in such a manner, well I think it's fairly understandable that someone would be squicked.
I just... wow.
They're quite serious, too!
...I have to go now.

Oh, also? A 41 second video, and now I want to watch Star Trek. That was honestly all it took. Oh boy. XD

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Une annee sans lumiere

I am STILL amazed by how fast 2009 went.
Seriously? A little feedback, anyone? What did you think? There are five of you who follow this blog, surely you at least read it? Okay, it's probably just me who spends every waking hour in a world that doesn't physically exist.
It's just gone. SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Vanished. But I've already gone over this.
But my memories of 2008 seem more vivid than this year. Perhaps it's because this year, it was a good year, but a lot of it was spend in mind-numbingly boring situations- I had a lot of classes with no friends in them, or people who I knew quite well but didn't sit with or talk with or whatever. Thus making them boring. Especially maths. Oh god. Worst. Subject. Ever. Not only am I atrociously bad at it, I sat by myself the entire year. OH GODDDDDDDDD You could pick me from a mile away as being an epic loser. /o\
French was okay, but it was always in the morning and freezing cold, and it was in the stupid French room that gives off a large, cold, unfeeling atmosphere. Anyway, it was okay, just not riveting or memorable, you know? The classes you remember are engaging and interesting, with your friends there to talk with and get yelled at and have jokes with, etc etc. So, English, Writing and Spanish were probably the most memorable subjects.
Basically, it was a good year, but event-free, making it kind of... well, it was just a passing sequence of days in which similar things happened. Yeah it was a good year, and I enjoyed it and had lots of good times, but when I think about it, the first thing that comes up is a blank slate, and only after thinking for a while am I able to recollect things that happened. I'm not saying it was a bad year! I must stress that- but there was a lot of nothingness along with the good stuff.
So yeah
that's all, I guess. I am going a bit insane, stuck in the house all day, getting up at eleven, only getting ready for the day at 12.00, sitting on the floor, downloading icons... why? What on earth is my obsession with 100x100 pixel boxes? I don't know, but they're AWESOME. But you know, I wouldn't mind at all getting out of here- I could do it myself, but there's nothing interesting around here. And because I'm just sitting around, I expend little energy, so I stay up later and later, and get up later and later and get more tired and so on and so forth... BLAH.
But hey it's the night, and I always tend to get pessimistic then, it's not all as bad as that... just boring. I want to run around and have a band practice, I want to hang out at Lucy's house (I have this thing where I just really, really want to hang out there all the time. It exudes creativity from its very core! Or...something.)
I want to spend time in the sunshine, in the grass, with FRIENDS.
But then most of them are heading to exotic places, or are currently in exotic places, and here I am at home again.
Still, I've been to places before. I remember- wait I've said all this before too! But I still really really really fondly recall going to New Plymouth. I don't even know WHY. I just love love love love love the memories of it. It's not like anything AMAZING happened- maybe that's why. It was just the niceness of a new place, and of course, that playlist. That I listened to a lot, and brings up strong epic memories.
It's 2010? I just don't even know. It's going so fast.
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time.... BLAH
Well maybe not, bad guys can be quite evil and whatnot. Maybe just annoying people who need their daily dose of COMEUPPANCE, TM REGISTERED TRADEMARK.
I got out my old tablet that I haven't used in aaaaaaages, and it was going great with adobe photoshop elements, the pressure of the pen was making the brushstrokes lovely and realistic, lighter and darker and whatnot. Then hey presto, something changes and the paintstrokes are thick and black and ugly with pen pressure having no effect on it. AAAAAAAARGH GOD DAMMNITTTTTT!!!! Someone help me out here, plzplox?
It might sort itself out though I doubt it. SO ANNOYING, I was just really getting in to it and now it's all stupid again.

Okay, well I guess that's my ranting over for now. Good day/night!

Friday, January 8, 2010



Oh god, I've missed House, I'm so glad it's finally coming back. In perhaps, approx. 2 months, there shall be an episode on screen, an episode so hilariously amazing that the likes of it have not been seen since Don't Ever Change.
Seriously. When I found out about Don't Ever Change, I pretty much ended up knowing the whole episode off by heart by the time it was on tv here. (I think it was probably the mention of it on the livejournal of a certain edible star that piqued my interest, what with it being called the "bowie" episode of house (ie referring to the episode of FOTC.) I apologise if that makes no sense. But not really. XD
This time I don't think I'm going to wait, I'm going to download it from the interwebs straight away!
And this episode isn't even written by Doris Egan, whaat? At least I don't think so. I'm sure she had some part to play in this insanity.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hang on-

Wait a moment. Wait a moment. Wait... wait. Just... just wait a moment there. Wait. Wait a moment.
I'm going to be SEVENTEEN THIS YEAR!?!?!?!?
Excuse me for a moment.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

I am soooooooo tired you guys
I was busy deleting all the tabs I had open jeeeeeeesus
and I'm srsly annoyed
youtube keeps being dumb and having no audio
and yes I checked the damn thing, it's not on mute
so I just deleted most of my tabs in case there's something there that's *overriding* the audio of youtube or some rubbish like that
but it still doesn't work
piece of crap
I wanna watch some very important videos!!!!! Well they're not important but I'd like to see them, okay
I'm so tiiiiiiiired
so so tired!!!!!!!!!!
it's only like 2.05 guys, lolwut
oh my god
I just downloaded like fifty million icons of the exact same thing but in different styles and stuff
bring on January 2nd, I want to see Doctor Who, whooo!
Okay, before I was all sombre and ranty and wtf-y, now I'm just exhausted.?
I'm totally going to end up printing out 50 billion icons and sticking them in a book for the lols or something
that's the extent to which I have a life


anyway if anyone wants to help me out on the youtube thing I'd appreciate it, or how to surreptitiously gain an ethernet local area network internet connection to ones room, that'd be great
have a nice time!