Sunday, March 8, 2009


THE camera is broken
and today we went to Real Groovy and I now have Showbiz and Origin Of Symmetry WHOOHOO!! So I now have the four main albums of... Muse. Hahahaah and also I got my heart will always be the b-side to your tongue (lolwut) which is a fall out boy acoustic ep and dvd which is pretty cool
and (for reasons unknown, da da da the killers) my mum got infinity on high and hot fuss as well as showbiz? HIP AND COOL WIV DA MUSICKS AMIRITE and ALSO!! my dad got Lou Reed? or something? AND IT HAS THAT DUDE ON THE FRONT WHO LOOKS LIKE MIKEY WAY because I kept seeing that picture around and wondering who on earth it was so now I know. YAY!!!! Sorry it was really annoying me. Ahahah.
and so I put all the cds I have on the table and sorted them and stuff and wanted to take a picture but Hamish broke the camera. Noob.
Anyway it's ten o clocku and I want to do guitar and I have to have a shower (I don't know where that worm went by the way) and make my bed, awwwwwww
but this was a good weekend because I wasn't worrying about homework because I don't have any!! Well technically I have spanish homework but I can find some way around that considering it was due in on Friday ehhheh.
Well. Yup. Pfffffft school. Is lame. Seriously I have to endure another week now.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww SUCKYNESS I suck at the guitar.
I need to learn that song properly, I haven't properly!!!!!! I don't know it all yet and I am saddened, it's just the way of learning guitar is a lot less formulaic than how I learn piano so it seems more difficult to practice... or...something.
Anyway I'm going. Good day to you
And yes also I want red skinny jeans and green ones and today I did not find any and I would like some. Please.
Good day


Sarah said...

Lou Reed was one of the lead singers of The Velvet Underground. They used to play at Andy Warhol's factory a lot.

Dude's near 70 now, and I haven't heard any of his solo stuff, but The Velvet Underground are awesome.

alice said...

jean copycat


winter is my epitome

Kate said...

Ooh I see, I didn't know that. Obviously. XD

At Alice: Pfft bitch plz, there is no way I am copying YOU!!... as a matter of fact I got the idea from someone else. SO THERE shame. Hahah!
Screw you winter sucks. =[
I assume you don't get a cold the moment the temperature drops below 18 degrees. =P