Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There's nothing quite as delightfully attractive as setting oneself up for disappointment!

This calls for bittersweet angsty happy cliche movie soundtrack music! My nomination is Move Along by the all american rejects. It seems SO APPROPRIATE, ticks all the boxes with its genericness in a nice sort of way.
Anywho, totally happysad.
I am in a very weird mood? Sort of... happy, let us celebrate fandom for all the positive sides, where a whole bunch of weirdos get together to discuss things and to become really way too emotionally invested in fictional characters and the relationships they have with other fictional characters. (guilty!!!) Happy because yay, flight of the conchords, it is back and seems pretty great, a livejournal thing that makes me happy, and, this other thing that makes me SO SAD. I mean, there is this aforementioned pairing, and well I am mucho confuzzled about it, because, well. It is never going to be canon. Basically, here are the facts: the show finished ages ago, there are four more episodes to go before it ends here. I have never seen the end before, I ship this one thing like burning, wikipedia says no, I say yes please, canon states: no and I am depressed, things happen in the last one like, random injuries and whatnot. In short: I AM DEPRESSED. I mean, I really want this one thing to happen, yet it does not, will not, there was a total possibility, there was a delightful canon happening that totally is against what wikipedia says, I JUST DON'T KNOW.

I would never ship anything else again just to have THIS SHIP.
This sucks.
And at the same time I am all really looking forward to it, good times ahoy.
Also! Everyone's a winner seems like a strangely appropriate song, as well as being generally awesome, I WANT ICE COFFEE. And also bruises by... chairlift, from that ipod ad. Good times.
(By the way, Ron and Hermione, totally the original OTP.)
Well, I guess I am just going to have to get over it and go on with life. (cue music!)
I am so beat up about this, it really is quite sad. I am a great loser. (There were so many blindingly obvious clues. The clues. The cluuuuuuuues!!!)

That will be all... must resist urge to use a quote of some sort. Oh screw it.

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