Sunday, December 7, 2008

La la laaa, the glorious technobabble prevails still

Ooooh, 6:47 and I have to finish a social studies thing.
Of course, procrastination woo.
Cannot be bothered with this last week of school, prizegiving, chapel, blah blah blah.
Still. I have discovered the epic win that is indiefeed podcasts.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah wow so awesome!
And I knew some of the bands already, yay me. Controller.controller and amirite, is Mad Marge and the Stonecutters a totally rad name for a band yes?
It is.
You know it is.
It is pretty great, yes it is. Having fun being overwhelmed by absolutely huge amounts of music.
Pfft, looks like I will not be getting a 16 gig nano, pretty lame and stupid, an 8 gig would only allow me to fit most of my music, so no games, photos or videos for me. oooh, goody. *grumblemumblemuttersnark*
hmm, watching a thing on life after humans. Interesting, but, if all the humans are dead (affirmative, I poked one it was dead) then why would the animals be alive? How do they all get wiped out in one split second without any animals dying? Huh? Huh? Answer me that. More likely to happen over time, with some big huge zombie infection or whatever. So yeah, anyway, whatever. =D
Lol, manmade stuff kind of fails without people. =D YAY NATURE.
Hoorah, stuff due in tomorrow.
Procrastinating? Why, yes, I am! Hoorah! Well, it would be pretty cool once humans are gone. Everything will just decompose and crumble and go back to nature, la la laaaa~~~ good times.
Well, that is all for now I thinks. =D
Well, it is now 8:56. (no it did not take me that long to write this, I just forgot about it yeah.)

Oh right, I need four songs. Here they are:
Fell in love with a girl- The White Stripes
RPM- Sugar Ray
Stutter- Elastica
Here and now- Letters to Cleo

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