Sunday, December 21, 2008

Testing testing

Yeah doing more blog layout changes thanks to Alice.
Hmmm I have various different ones, mayhaps I shall post another poll? Not that the results will prove too conclusive considering the results of the last one... yeah, Richard Snorgle Mambo wins with a LANDSLIDE two votes! And coming in close behind, Sophocles Irate Millpool and Gibson Ronald Pigson each with one vote. Well folks, it was a tough battle but in the end Richard one. Too bad no one voted for Ebony-Ivory Sashalee, looks like her name wasn't failsome enough. Well I gotta say, this was a nailbiter! Just waiting for those votes to come in, counting them all... it's been great.

And the new layout has two different possible heading thingies as seen above. Which one should I choose? OOH THE DECISIONS, LIFE IS SO HARD

blehhhh, need sleep now.


alice said...

aaaah why are you just so brilliant
i actually like the second one, its very mc
and you got the colours exact.
i bow to you exx dee

doctawho42 said...

I am also a-loving the second amongst your delecious font offerings.

Sounds like the Christmas spirit has ALREADY HIT!!!!
All that saracasm in one so young....tut, tut!