Monday, April 27, 2009

What's that? School is stupid? Why yes, yes it is!

ooh guess what I just removed from my room, a bunk bed that has been in there for 6 years. I MISS IT. =[ but I HAVE SO MUCH SPACE IN MY ROOM NOW. It looks really drab though. XDD

Anyway, I have decided that I am only going to go on the interwebs when I am watching tv. Because if I'm not doing anything while watching tv I might as well go on the internet then. XD Wish me luck with sticking to this regime. I need to get a new desk now.

So! School tomorrow, that's going to be fun.

Do very much so not like it.
Kay so Imma go now.
House tomorrow. I don't want to watch it. =[


alice said...


we are going to make your room SUPERRADD and all awesome

im excited

Kate said...

that sounds like a spiffing idea.
I will have to seriously change my room. It's a nightmare. Clothes avalanches: I can has them. although it's relatively clean. Just... messed up. Hahaha