Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crazy Random Happenstances

Today I saw a sign that said "Smith and Jones". It made me laugh.
I have been browsing the website known as to find other interesting blogs to read, as as such have saved quite a few with a handy device known as "taboo" it's really rather handy. I have also noticed that there are very few 15 year old females from New Zealand with an interest in Doctor Who.
(That is to say, I have come across one, and that one was me.)
Although I suppose that is quite specific, but it could be more specific. You know. New Zealand is small, but not that small. I do in fact know some other 15 year old females from New Zealand with an interest in doctor who but I would like to find some that I don't know. You know? Although there seems to be very few 15 year olds on here anyway. XD

hahah okay. Today my iPod has decided to fail, as in my computer doesn't recognise it. Then again that's probably fault of the laptop considering how sucky it is. YOU SUCK MR SUCKY COMPUTER. I should rename you that. Hopefully that passes y/y

anyway. I started writing this last night, it's now 4.40 the next day. XDD
I am full of random happy yaysquee? although I don't really like the word squee as it is associated with the word fangirl and well, freaky. But despite my dislike of extreme squeeing (it seems like a rather high-pitched profession): SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

for no particular reason, yay.
Soo holidays are coming to a close, but at least I am safe in the security that I don't have to go back on Monday. Or Tuesday. Three day week, yay!


Sooooo yeah I am happy as usual.
Also have I ever mentioned how much I love the song Supermassive Black Hole?
And while we're on the subject Muse too. SADFASDGFTWAGADSF
so I shall leave now, this is basically a post of me saying I am happy but not saying why. (Uh oh, I used to keep doing this over at livejournal... I will not let this blog become like that one! hahahahah don't worry I'll talk about actual stuff. XD)


also one time (it was at Kahunui survival night) I had a dream where my brother was driving a car in a pay and park and pay type area, then we were in a forest and both had ipods and listened to Ziggy Stardust at the same time but when I woke up and thought about it I couldn't get Starman out of my head. Which was strange because it was Starman and not Ziggy Stardust, what's up with that?

also I have lots of tabs open. In fact I have had this firefox window open for several days and it's getting quite agitaty. Although I usually have a thing open for several days at a time though right? I think it's because this time, I keep getting a popup saying "something is causing the adobe script to run slowly, would you like to close down?" and it's obviously for firefox so yeah.
I currently have 17 tabs open, I keep deleting them but then new ones keep popping up. I blame the youtube tabs, they're slowing down the system. !!!


alice said...

pay and park and pay type area

that made me laugh for actually five minutes straight.
and then i stoppped
and then i laughed some more

ahlordy i dont know why, its just so funny

Kate said...

some things just are inexplicably funny. They need no explanation: They just make you die of laughter. YAY XD