Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh hi there

I has a new blog layout! It's pretty, although I would rather the white colour was just transparent so it's the same colour as the background, and the font maybe a different one. But I think I'll stick with this for now.

I am excited! On Friday I shall be seeing Green Day! By myself, yeah, but hey it's still cool. I DON'T NEED YOU, FRIENDS
Also I bought a cool top which I shall wear to see Green Day. And tomorrow I am going to faire les courses? Um...yay?
Nothing much happens at night because if you don't have any plans there isn't much to do. And I don't tend to have plans all that often. XD
That's all for now? I'm sure I'll talk about more interesting things soon. (Famous last words.)
That is all- wait no it isn't!

SO my headphones broke sadly... the left one stopped working. They are covered under a 2 year warranty so I was able to get a replacement pair. Although I do feel a bit sad because you know, they were my headphones! The new pair are just as good, I've noticed that when you first get them they are very tightly clamped over your ears and they loosen up after a little while. Hmm. Well. It's alright. I'll live. XD

1 comment:

winnie said...

and i like the new layout :]