Sunday, September 6, 2009


tomorrow pour l'ecole we have stupid House Music. ARGGHBLEH... I have to dress as a farmer, how original. Our house has decided to do New Zealand culture! I repeat: how original! Uuuuuuuuuugh. I just cannot be bothered. What the hell.
Cannot be bothered with this upcoming week, as a matter of fact. Nothing else matters but the end of the week. I'm ignoring leaks, so that's when it will be. MUSE. The Re-friggin-sistance! Hahaha. It seems that is the same day as Lucy's party. I am quite glad to find out I get it on Saturday and not friggin' Monday. Says release in Australia is the 12th, so I assume that's the same for New Zealand. WHOO HOO. Of course that means that everyone at Lucy's will be right annoyed at me because I'll just be yelling about Muse the whole time. As a matter of fact I think I might have a piano thingy on that day as well... which means even less time able to listen to it. aarrgh. Just..... aaarrrgh. Apparently Unnatural Selection is INSANE. WHOOOO.
Anyway that's all. Just wanted to post a short blog.
Spent some time today playing runescape with mon frere. We shouted insults at each other the whole time. It was great. Most of them involved the word "mule" in some way. We had insults such as steamed ham mule, steamed clams mule and aurora borealis mule, to name a few. hahahaha. =D

Aww, crap. Just remembered that I don't have a swandri-esque shirt for house music. OH WELL!!!! I GUESS I CAN'T GO THEN!! THAT'S A SHAME! Never mind the fact that I don't really have any proper shorts, or normal looking gumboots. I have... green spotty gumboots. And I ask you: how on earth are you supposed to dance in gumboots? It's difficult enough walking in them for crying out loud. I really don't think that this has been thought through too well. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh


Anonymous said...

well that's what you get for conforming.
if you were special like me and 'has a raging fevers' then you would be at home eating pringles and watching bad television. damn. still havent done homework..

Kate said...

It was fun actually. We laughed at Lucy's expense, jumped around. It's always better at the actual time than in the morning/beforehand.