Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh my god I'm dying

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh my respiratory system is deciding to fail today. I inhale, okay mild pain in the oesophagusal area, then I exhale COUGH COUGH PAIN AARGH. It's just this annoying discomfort everywhere! It's awful. I know it doesn't sound awful but seriously, small tiny things can just RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!!!! no really it's awful. I hate it. It's horrible to breathe. And I just feel really rubbish in me lungs. Also I had sugar and now I'm all like WOOAOOAAOAH srsly though carbonated drinks these days! And don't get me started on energy drinks. For gods sake. Those things are just pure sugar, in liquid form. That's all. It's not like they even give you much energy! So having one every morning as a claim that you "need your energy" like some sort of businessman with coffee, is completely ABSURD!!!! For the love of god!!!! I mean really. You drink one of those and your teeth just... die a little inside. XDD hahahah!!!!!!!!! OH MAN OH GOD JEEZ also one time I had an energy drink and it was ATROCIOUS!!! and they put SO MUCH IN THEM!!!! they just HAD to make the drinks SUPER HUGE and give them EXTREME names like DEEEEMOOON, MOOOOTHEERRR, IIIIIIINK, RRRRRRAAARRRGGGGGHG ENERGY TO THE MAX ADFAHSDFOASDHFASDOARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
anyway I believe I said, "don't get me started on energy drinks." Well thanks a LOT GUYS, YOU COMPLETELY FAILED THAT ONE SMALL TASK.
I want to sleep sooooooo badly.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh goddddd I want to sleep
Still my dad said I probably shouldn't go to school tomorrow and HELL YEAH I AM DOWN WITH THAT. This has been the WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE, for serious. Jesus christ!! I mean, it's not like serious bad. It's just all these small things building up to make this week lameass. That and it had no redeeming features whatsoever. It was just BOREDOM. ALL THE TIME. GOD. I just couldn't be BOTHERED doing ANYTHING. This probably has to do with it being mufti day and a whole heap of people being gone on a trip which gave a more laid back feel so no one really did much.
hahaha I edited my el jay page so it looks all nice and fancy like. I'm a bit of a novice at the old CSS. Fun times!!!! And before, I was lying on the ground laughing hysterically and throwing raisin boxes in the air that I found under the couch which I found hilarious. God I'm a MESS!!!
I don't want to go to school. =[ I'm going to say, NAY
weeeeeeeeell it felt good to get that all out. What a mess of garbled english.

Heheh lastfm just found 700+ scrobbles on my ipod. WHOOHOO get ready, lastfm profile! YOUSA GONNA GET ATTACKED

kill me now plz

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