Saturday, May 30, 2009

And he left them and went out of the city, into Bethany, and he lodged there?

Yeah... think about it!
This was a very boring day. I woke up at 12.45?
Ah well, it doesn't matter. I just lazed around.
Well, I believe I shall continue to watch episodes of various* television shows online to pass the time. The weather was cool today. Lots of rain, a weird sunset, etc etc.

*various= just one.

My fascinating life.
Also I downloaded some Explosions in the sky and, well they're weird. All their songs are super long and there are no vocals? I was not expecting that. XD But now I know where Alice got that Look in to the air thing from.
Perhaps later I shall go on to indie exchange and find more music to listen to. I feel I should expand my music library as I keep listening to the same things. Hahah

ETA: hahah I got distracted and started looking at icons instead. It's not my fault, okay? I just really like icons! And people make really pretty ones, okay?

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