Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Apologies beforehand if this makes no sense okay
SO like, I had a pretty great train of thought last night so I wrote down basic points so I could rewrite it in writing... form so that people can read about my fascinating thoughts... I know that's a lot of you. =D
Firstly headphones!!!! I totally want to get some good headphones, so so so I want to get some sennheiser HD 202 headphones... OOH and well they look weird in the picture, I mean they seem to have sticky out plastic bits but I don't think they actually do. They have a long cord and seem pretty good for $27... and the Sennheiser 800's are $1,400!!!! that's totally insane you guys.
Also ediblestars deleted her livejournal AGAIN, what is up with that please restore it within 30 days or I will be MIGHTY UPSET!!!!

So, STUFF!!! (ALSO I am still insanely obsessed with Muse, also Alice you did not come visit us at lunch time, also I suck at piano, also Muse are kind of amazing)
Also I am using Last.Fm again!!!! SCROBBLING IS FUN even if no one looks at your page. FUN! although I haven't used it in a year so it's got lots of weird stuff on it that I no longer have... it's a little messy. Tsk tsk!!! Maybe I'll just delete all the artists there and put them on again. But that will take ages. Anyway I'm rambling, let's go!!! ahaha that sounded stupid.
ANYWAY!!!! So this starts with a happenstance where a friend Jordan (she is weird in a weird way) anyway so I used to like a bit of anime and was kind of a fan of stuff, basically just Naruto, hahah and Death note. in fact death note is the only manga I have read right through. I just gave up on Naruto, it's not particularly interesting, Chuuning exams were best, everything else is kinda lame compared to that. Also: NOSTALGIA!!! Anyway... so I had this small naruto badge on one of my bags that I was using for the day, I had bought it once and put it on my bag and left it there. Anyway she's all like, "srsly?" with this sort of smug superior look "srsly? I mean really? pfftt" sort of thing and I was like "hey, I don't like it any more, I just left it there" and it was annoying.
I also have a death note pencil case. Hahahah okay yeah weird I know but I needed a pencil case and I thought it was pretty cool. And it IS pretty cool. I am HARDLY a weeaboo you guys
Anyway she's in my english class and so she noticed my pencil case and was like "seriously?" again and she didn't say much but she was just emanating "ooh look at me I'm so much better than you for snubbing your pencil case I mean srsly how lame pfffft how immature" and it kind of srsly infuriated me.


It's this whole, "holier than thou" complex thing. Look, if you don't like something, You instantly think you're better than the people who like it. DON'T TRY AND DENY THIS YOU GUYS YOU ALL THINK THIS ABOUT SOMETHING
and this is because you are noticing the shortcomings of said thing, so you think you're better for knowing it's bad and not worth your time and that people who like it are not that intelligent or you "lose respect for them" as all those fandom secrets say.
Firstly, it's stupid to think that all anime/manga is bad. I mean, there's this weird thing around it and I know a lot of people think that, basically anime is like this loser immature thing... etc etc. First off, not all anime is the same so if you are going to judge your opinion on all japanese media and culture from one thing that's really rather pathetic. Look, LEAVE ANIME ALONE!!!!! SHE'S A HUMAN BEING!!!!
anyway I'm not defending anime, I'm saying that by
"matter of taste"
matter of taste does NOT mean, you have good taste or bad taste.
Taste is what things YOU like, what YOU enjoy, no matter how bad the special effects, or writing, or how many creepy mary sue stalker vampires are in it.
So yeah when people are all like "HI IM MRS SALLY CULLEN I LOVE EDWARD" then yeah you can think... okay step AWAY from the books my friend!!! But look, just don't be judgemental? LET'S ALL LIVE IN HARMONY YOU GUYS
Anyway I think that's the best I can get my message across on that. hahaha (also our english teacher totally likes doctor who, we were all like, "WHOO" as we randomly chatted about it. Good times, good times!)

So actually I'm not finished talking about this. hahaha anyway no one is RIGHT. bascially. And this happens a lot with music in particular, I mean people think they're better than others becaue they go "pfft go listen to real music!" well all music is music no matter how much you dislike it or how rubbish it is. Hahaha "real music" is not classical and jazz you people who claim to be all high and mighty as you "diss" new music. I'm not good at making a point, am I. Anyway! Also like a while ago I was watching fall out boy vids (yeah I shall use them as an example obvs) and there were like stupid comments like ENJOY YOUR MUSIC MINDLESS DRONES!!! and pfft YOU ARE ALL SHEEP FOLLOWING A CROWD!!!
and I thought that was kinda pathetic because they are assuming all fans of fob found out about it the same way... look I just stole a whole bunch of music off Alice, fob was on there I had never heard of them before, (same with muse, my fave song is Supermassive Black Hole, of course the problem with bands that I like is that I love so many songs it's hard to choose a fave and I love like ALL OF THEIR SONGS OKAY EVERY SINGLE ONE EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW A LOT OF THEM YET but Imma go with supermassive black hole because it's the first I heard and just amazing okay

so... anyway yeah people might assume that it's my fave song b/c of twilight, see, JUDGING!!!! I hate twilight. Friggin twilight. I liked smbh way before the movie came out... jeez. So anyway, yeah fall out boy. hahaha so loads of people hate them and well okay... but I think it's lame that people will actually actively hate against a band for pathetic reasons and post angry comments about how much they suck. I mean that's just lame. Look, the only music people I hate against (if you can call them that) is miley cyrus and the jonas brothers but even I don't go on youtube pages and write LOL THEY SUX because seriously it ain't going to make them disappear. hahaha, it would just make the fans angry and okay, okay. Maybe I'm too sensitive because whenever something I like gets critisized I do get upset and worried and worry that they might not actually be as good as I think they are (there's that whole, people who don't like it are better than me and are right thing)
and I know that's stupid so maybe other people can handle criticism better and I should stop worrying. ahahaha.
Also, this tends to happen more when I care more about the band, so when I know all their names and all their songs off by heart or whatever, I'm more susceptible to being upset about it. Hahaha. I mean I still don't know all the dudes in The Killers, firstly they have confusing names and I don't know names to faces, just Brandon Flowers, TYPICAL!!! curse dem frontmen.
And also I want to see the killers but a)99 dollars and b) apparently standing tickets are sold out? I don't wanna stand. It's probably not that bad though I saw Split Enz in seats but they were kinda far away it would have been better if we had been closer, although standing area had seats too I believe, I mean you could hardly call that a mosh pit (old people you guys, the whole band has pure white hair it's actually kind of fantastic)
And also when I saw them I saw phoenix foundation and and they are friends with Taika Waititi (how do you spell his last name) who is friends with bret'n'jemaine ahaha and yeah there was a writers block of it on lj... who is cuter out of both anyway some people thought they were ugly. WHAT
srsly you guys they are totally un ugly. THey aren't vampire beautiful and that's why it's good because srsly you guys vampire pretty is boring. Flawless skin, all that dumb stuff? COME ON YOU GUYS
also there are these bio-oil ads and I HATE THEM

LIKE THERE'S ONE, THAT I HATE!!! It's like, "when you have scars, you feel like less of a woman. You tend to live less."
and then she does this dumb little body-wiggle and it's so stupid and the whole ad is stupid, stupid, stupid!!! OH NOES, SCARS!!!! YEAH I HAVE A SMALL SCAR ON MY ARM I'M SO EMBARRASSED I HIDE INSIDE ALL DAY okay I know they must be talking larger scars but get real you guys, way to promote having to have flawless skin to be ~*~beautiful~*~
and also those thin lizzy ads? AAARRRRGGGGHHH WTF IS UP WITH THAT

But, I hate just about every advertisement in existence so I won't go on about that. hahaha

And also I thought that the House episode was pretty cool, what with the hostage guy and my dad was all like "pfft what a load of twaddle" and well my dad hates everything but you know tv shouldn't have to be realistic... THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT AMIRITE?
I mean if everything was exactly like the real world people it would just be boring. You should be open to weird stupid stuff happening... yes a dude taking a hospital hostage is unlikely but that's the whole point, showing unlikely things happening... of course because it's tv this happens a lot. But srsly don't be so close minded hahaha
also it's technically an alternate universe, I mean House has Blackadder on his tivo, that would be somewhat confusing amirite?

Okay I'm done talking.
I could go on but I think I've talked enough and I have probably made so many mistakes in this ahahahahahahhur. Okay goodbye see you.
Song: Blackout, Muse (okay I wont have every song as muse but I would love to, you guys)
So, if this made no sense and was just tiring to read: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Sarah said...

You should totally put one of those little widget things on your blog, mate.

Kate said...

Oooooh I will I didn't know there was one.! Thanks haha

winnie said...

lol, jordan.

I agree with you >> I hate it when people don't respect other's opinions. In fact I'm going to blog about it right now D: