Wednesday, February 25, 2009


God, what the fuck-ever.

Okay that's my swearing quota used up for the year.

It's fairly obvious how my day was. *looks up at title)
yeah, I bashed my foot, hardcore. I could barely walk.
I forgot my lunch (yesterday I forgot my p.e gear) and I had a sucky lunch and two icy thingies, most of which fell on the ground
I got complained to about NCEA
I didn't go to tennis because of foot

Anyway that seems like not much sucky stuff but it was lamer than your face when it's been smashed to a pulp. Or alternatively lamer than my foot.
And I am feeling all angry about stuff, you know "moral high ground" stuff okay I don't think moral high grounds have anything to do with it really, but annoying stuff that angers me, such as myself ignoring said things because of stuff.
If that made sense, you win a prize, ahahah. (theprizeisaslapintheface)
In cheerful delightful news, yaay I love flight of the conchords again. I missed them muchly. Hoorah.
okay just learned conchords ep 6 is up, BRB DOWNLOADING
that's honestly the single best thing that happened today. Although there were some good things such as that horrendous poem Lucy read us, writing in the morning "WEB OF SEXY LIES!" and english where we paid no attention whatsoever and got twink on Jordan's copy of romeo and juliet which was absurdly funny for some reason. Hahahah seriously it was so great
anyway it's all good because apparently Bret and Jemaine wear sweatervests and play tennis in this next episode and apparently the ending is sad making but HEY I DON'T CARE, SWEATERVESTS YOU GUYS
Hahah, and lol at the breaking news
seriously. that's well messed up jesus christ on a bicycle

okay that's all I feel much better now and so does my foot. Not by much but still.

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