Friday, November 28, 2008

After a while you may notice my blog titles will become more unoriginal, such as, "blah"

Well it has been a mildly good week, but I do have a problem with my brother. Now we usually get on well with minor casualties, however these past few days he has been very violent and hard to deal with. Ok, so I do not help by calling him stupid and laughing at him, but I am not violent and aggressive. Generally his idea of violent and aggressive is punching and kicking and general flailing, however lately he just screams in a high pitched voice about how much he hates me and how I always go on the internet, and whenever I do not go to swimming he says in a condescending tone, "It's not a matter of I don't feel like it, it's a matter of having to go!" Pfft. He's eleven. How DARE he be patronising. Well. I dunno, I mean this morning going to school I had to do spelling with him and when he couldn't understand that a word had two r's in it, he got really mad and when I tried to hint towards the r thing he yelled at me, then later sulked, refused to spell the next word and said how stupid I was and how he hated me and how stupid the words were. Well. And by the way this laptop keyboard is totally cool because it sounds somewhat like a typewriter whenever I press the space key so there is this big tapping noise. Hooray hoorah.

I am NOT GOOD with awkward situations. I mean not like those silent moments, where no one says anything- you know, everyone seems to instantly think the moment there is silence that it is AWKWARD!!! No one ever lets it continue as a silent, deep and meaningful pondering or whatever. Someone has to go, "awkward giraffe!" or whatever or say, "well. this is awkward." and then I get quietly annoyed to myself because IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE. I mean really.
Anyway, I mean awkward like when someone randomly breaks down crying. CANNOT. DEAL. You know how girls are all like, "oh my god what's wrong?" and then rub your back and make sympathetic noises and reassure and calm down the hysterical/quiet sobber. But, no, no. That is awkward for me, because I do not know WHAT THE HELL TO DO. So, NO. If someone storms out crying, I am not really going to say anything to them! Well, actually, depending on what they were crying over I might yell at them for being an idiot or something. (In an inspiring, this is not you sort of way. Or something lame. Or maybe something Kamina might say.)

AAAAAAAAaaaanyway, yeah that is about it. Same goes for like when falling off something, or smacking in to a tree. (Yeah, that kind of sucked.)
Fridays really are quite a joyous occasion. Well not that joyous, but... just something nice about not having to get up. AND LET ME go on another ramble. It will be about: MORNINGS.

See, on a school morning, I am plagued with a dull head. This head is warm, uncomfortable and angry in a way that it really cannot be BOTHERED being angry, so it settles for, why why why must this happen to me. If I were to return to bed, I could fall asleep in the most SATISFYING way possible: straight away in a big feeling of warmth. The home of my head, basically. In other words, my head has been plucked from its warm comforting home, and the moment it is reconnected all natural balances shall be restored. This never happens, of course.

HOWEVER! On the weekends. This instantly changes. (Damn you, internal body clock.) If I was to be woken up at the usual time for school, I would have the privilege of going back to sleep. I in fact tried this method once, and it did not work. I did go back to sleep, but it was UNcomfortable. It was downright bleh. Basically I sleep in till about nine, sometimes just stay there, until ten, eleven, depending on how lazy/how much I sleep/when I went to sleep the previous night, I can get up at twelve. But, it is just not satisfying.
Typical. Hard to please some people!

Well, not much more is happening. I kind of wish there was not another Artemis Fowl book. You know, they get to a point where you start to say, "what, another?" and it is not quiiiite as great. That happened with the Alex Rider series except the last one was really just as good as the others. Have not read much of the newest Artemis Fowl but it seems different. I dunno why, Artemis still has his pompous ways but he seems different. And I have not really laughed yet! Dude those books always crack me up by at least the tenth page.

Well, ambivalence. (Does that have anything to do with valence electrons? I wondered this to myself once.)

Something about this place is good for my writing ways. God, can I go at least ONE post without mentioning the differences between Blogspot and Livejournal? The answer is, NO. (now for the comparison: livejournal is harder to write in I dunno why it just is STOP)

Song!!! The song is:Piranhas, by Tripping Daisy
(oh yeah and like what? okay.)
(the above was me thinking, hay let's write about that but then thinking, wait you shouldn't, and then agreeing with myself.)

Well, I do not consider myself to be that talkative. Indeed most of the time I clam up and mumble.

I now end this ramble. I really have to learn how to cut these incessant ramblings down a bit.


doctawho42 said...

Livejournal is impossible to write in. Impossible!
I'm kinda pissed off that Eion Colfer is writing the next Hitchhikers Guide book.
I LIKE long rambles. They're long...and rambly. And brambly.

1. I dont have a brother, or indeed any siblings, but I do babysit and I know what you mean.

2. I get awkward too, and when I try and act not awkward I just feel fake and horrible.

3. I also enjoy sleeping.

...well then. :)

Kate said...

Yeah I dunno what to think about Eoin Colfer writing it, on one hand I think "yay? he is a good writer, hopefully it will be good?" and on the other hand, hrrmwell noot really. Besides, I thought he killed everyone off at the end. It will be interesting to see how he deals with that.
I like rambling too, obviously, but I just think that maybe others will think "what is wrong with this person STOP TALKING" but, well, that is their problem. =D
We seem to have a lot of things in common. XD