Monday, September 20, 2010

you know what

the good thing about this blog is?
that no one reads it.
I could say whatever the hell I wanted here and it would pretty much be okay.
It is really bad to be a person who reads subtext in to everything.
Because it makes you incapable of interacting with other humans in any way shape or form.
oh god.
oh god oh god what is my life.
Honestly this is just bizarre.
This whole year has been bizarre.
I can't.
I'm just a bit freaked out and just a bit delighted and mad with insanity and just a little bit stupid and I wonder what it's like to not sleep for days on end? I mean you can only survive ten days without sleep.
But I mean what if you went three days without sleep
I don't even see how that would be possible.
I just need sleep. I need it like oxygen.
Isn't it weird how a lack of sleep can make you feel? It's so fascinating how important it is.
Because when you don't sleep you are basically screwed. And it particularly makes your mouth feel all funny. and your hair pretty awful. And gives you a general sense of feeling incredibly unhygienic. And your head feels like it's been pounded with a block of cheese. It's really bizarre. And what's more frustrating is that often during the night you wont even feel tired any more. You will feel so tired that you will feel awake again.
This year is indeed a strange thing to behold. I have lost the plot.
And I can measure in hours of lost sleep the development of my insanity through the year.
Some twisted form of progress.
I don't even know what the fuck that means. But it's interesting to think that in term one holidays my mind was perpetrated and perpetuated by these thoughts. Curious, indeed! And to think I was still in denial then, and yet; still bizarrely intending for madness.
And now here we are in the epitome of madness.
I really rather like it.

and this has been a highly ambiguous post.

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