Sunday, July 5, 2009

Awesomah Powah!

I watched 2001 A Space Odyssey! It was awesome! I should stop saying awesome.
Today we were listening to music and sorting through old cds and whatnot and I found a cd of Mario Lanza. AHAHAHAH it was so funny. And at the moment I have Citizen Kane in my household for watching which has Orson Welles in it. The great tenor, Mario Lanza and that hideous man Orson Welles! HAHAHA Heavenly Creatures. It's like a big joke in our year, talking in a super posh English accent and saying "it's all FRIGHTFULLY romantic!" and in terrible NZ accents "I think your drawing's FANTASTIC!" hahahahahah oh man. Okay- that would have made no sense.
I went on Runescape (hahaha NERD) and it was boring funtiems. You can sit down now! But seriously- I'd been waiting for that for years. Pfft. Runescape isn't really fun any more because none of my friends go online ever and also I never talk to them. Buuuuut yeah. Someone gave me 10,000 moneys for free! Uh, whoo-hooo?
Holidays. WHOOP-DEE-DO! Lots of lazing around for me.

Oooooh, it's now 12.24 am and I didn't notice. (I typed this hours ago and left it here.) anyway, goodnight I guess.

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