Friday, March 12, 2010

What an industrious empire!

Woaaaaaaah I haven't posted a blog in quite some time!
So what's happened lately? Hmm...... not much really. I've just been obsessed with the horrors and listened to the entirety of Primary Colours about 56 times in the space of a month. You just don't know how amazing it is. YOU DON'T. OKAY.
And I have developed an obsession with pocket watches it would appear, as I went on dA and looked up pocket watches and just died. My god. THEY ARE SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYY. I want all of them.
We have a pocket watch chez moi, however it doesn't have a key to wind it up with. So. It doesn't work. I find this highly aggravating. I mean really, who has a pocket watch that doesn't have a key? Fsadfadg!

The other day I was bored in English and we were reading one of the speeches with that line about sound and fury (in Macbeth, I neglected to mention) so I was all "oh hey I'm going to look up that book, The Sound And The Fury!" so I did that. And it sounded interesting. And yes it said it was highly difficult to read so I was all "okay, whatever, I can totally still read this" so I got it out of the library and... hahah. Good lord. Yeah that is some intense writing. I'll uh, keep trying though.

Now it is my very cunning plan to be top on language perfect for Spanish. This is going to be very difficult though as I am currently on 4 points and other people are on about 200. And I don't really know many of the words at the moment. Que malo!
I'm going to need some serious motivation for this!
I like the sound of rain at night, it's one of the most delightful things in the world. And yes there is a difference between rain at night and rain at day. I'm...not exactly sure what, but there's something different. It has to be heavy rain though, not some wussy light shower. XD Like now, it is nice and windy outside and the rain is all sporadic. Although I do prefer heavy rainstorms to not be sporadic, but what can you do?

Well by extension of this interest in pocket watches I have been looking at steampunky things. I mean the word itself is just so cool. Steampunk! I don't even know. It's quite a strange...thing, really, but I like looking at the creativity of other people transforming modern technology in to an anachronism that looks like it belongs. XD Does that make sense?
I need to find some more music. 1 or 2 songs in particular, and I just came across a whole bunch of random stuff written on a word document, copy-pasted from what someone on Da Myoose boards had been rambling about. That I want to listen to.

Tomorrow there shall be a ~*~band practice~*~ for the ~*~very excellent band~*~ in which I play some guitar. But saying that makes it sound like we are ~*~very srs bsns~*~ but it is simply myself and Marijke and Rekha attempting to play some music and sometimes succeeding! But I am too self-deprecating. We are getting a fair bit better really. And Rekha has already attained musical excellence so it's not like we are three people who can't play instruments. No sir! We just get over enthusiastic and suggest a whole bunch of songs to learn and then learn them and then run off to find something else to play. Which is quite fun really. And we do not have a band name! [UNDEFINED] was suggested and lingers on the peripherals of our mind as a potential one, but at the moment we are just "a band" or a "musical trio" if you like.
...I totally think Asimov's Erotica would have been an awesome name. DOES NO ONE AGREE WITH ME?
I want to get better at drawing, I have been stuck in a rut of drawing the same thing over and over and over and over again and not changing my style at all. Which I should do because quite frankly it sucks. I must draw moar! So that I can get much much better! I must practice and practice and I always forget the different between practice and practise. Which do you use when? I can never remember. Though spellcheck denies the existence of practise so... I don't know.
Well. I do go off on tangents rather quickly, don't I.

Okay well I don't really have anything else to say, there is a very fascinating update for you. Hooray!

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