Friday, September 25, 2009

Everyone secretly likes slap bass

Well I got my boxset and it is uber pretty. Mayhaps I shall take pictures of it. The vinyls have awesome covers. Now I just need to find something to play them on.
I watched Hullabalooooooooooo today, and it was pretty rad. I want to watch it again. Going to watch disc 2 now methinks, despite its mild, uh... strangeness... still awesome though. And complete with freaky music, yay.
Holidays are fairly uninspiring. Generally end up playing games excessively, ie Warcraft III or the sims 2, which is the current trend. Getting a bit boring however, it seems less interesting when you can cheat the whole time. XDD It does let you concentrate on other stuff but ehhhhhhhh
It's September already. September 25th, precisely. Which means it is my birthday in two weeks, which is pretty lame. My birthday is rather unfortunately placed this year. I get to celebrate it on the first day back at school. Whoop-de-freakin'-doo.
I get the feeling it will be more depressing than good- ie, it will suck to have my birthday on the first day back, rather than my birthday being an event that will improve the lameness of the day. Sheesh, way to be pessimistic.

So I have to find some old Green Day music and listen to it otherwise I will just be a lame person who goes to a concert and only knows the new stuff which isn't really that cool. Yeah.
Have I ever mentioned wanting to be in a band? No? Never? Well I want to be in a band.
Oh and also daylight saving already? Tomorrow? Bwuh? This year has gone too quickly mmkay this ought not to be tolerated. I mean seriously, next year is 2010, WHAT IS THE FREAKIN' DEAL. Also where the hell is my jetpack and flying car? Tsk tsk fortune predictors!
Well I'm going to leave now. Au revoir
And it doesn't even feel like a Friday today! And I don't really like Friday nights because I tend to watch too much tv and I don't like watching too much tv. Blah.
hahah also I looked at my old apple laptop and read all my old stickies and seriously, what the hell, what the HELL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lol bass clarinet solo

So hay guise!?!?
Wooo I'm buying La Resistance: Le box set from someone who got two. Of course the people in charge managed to screw that up as well and people who ordered ltd edition and actually GOT IT ended up with just deluxe, depending on which site you ordered from. Sheesh!
Today I was playing the sims 2 and I found out that this thing I downloaded was an advent calendar! See I just thought they were random pictures of people dressed up like santa but turns out you can click on them and get gifts. You get 1000 dollars the first day and a lot of chocolate. When you get chocolate you end up with "so and so has eaten too much chocolate!" and they run to the bathroom and throw up. hahahah! They also get other good stuff too, as well as a pizza. When they take it out you get a pop up box with the person who got it saying "wow, a pizza in a calendar! what next?" and then when you get all of them it says "merry Christmas to your sims!" and then they run up to where the calendars are and look at the screen and wave and smile at you. IT'S SO CUTE HAHAHAHA.

anyway now I'm going to go watch Hullabalooooooooo.
Also I have lots of asthma today. Grrr. I've had it the whole day and it won't go away. Also spiders have started returning to our house after a pleasant season of them not being there for some reason. What a shame. Daddy-long-legs should die. They're just so repulsive. I mean seriously. They're blobs with long spindly legs and they walk like freaks UGH UGH UGH. And apparently they actually have enough venom to kill a person? But they can't because their fangs aren't large enough. Or so I heard. Let's hope they don't evolve or something. UGH. Disgusting.

Welp. That's that I guess.

Aaah screw it, it's 11.30, I can't be bothered watching dvds. I'm listening to Muse slowed way down right now. It's hilarious. I'll go to bed apres ca!

...really, you've got to listen to it to get the idea. XDD

Friday, September 18, 2009

I smashed 13 mirrors when I was born

so I just got a refund for the muse boxset.

Oh hello, shotgun! It's nice to see you. Hey! Look! It's the inside of my mouth! hahaha, that's funny. It's cool in here, eh? Ooh, a trigger thing! Hahahah let's press it hahahahah!!! oooh whoops there's blood all over the walls! hahahahah!!!! look at all that grey matter everywhere hahahahahah!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha here comes the ambulance, wheeee,ooooh,wheeeee,ooohhh wheeeeeeeee1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't think they'll be able to fix this whoopsie!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
never mind the uncontrollable trembling hahahahahahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Que malo! Tengo mierdo de las matematicas!

Haha what a day.
It was good. Didn't do much, found I got excellence in my science test so that was good. It was previously merit but one had been marked incorrectly so yeah. Teachers were late so Lucy and co came to our classroom and were loud and rambunctious for a while. Watched speeches and they were good. Had lunch and we had a kind of semi shared lunch. XDD We sang a lot of songs randomly. And then I started attacking Lucy and hitting her on the head with a drink bottle with Laura trying to stop us fighting. Then Lucy tried to throw water and me and I was not going to stand for that, no sir! She tried to throw water at me and I ran away. Then she put it down and for whatever reason, Nikki decided to pour all the water over them. Then they got yelled at. XDD
And then I had a maths test and got all depressed because I did really badly and sat staring at it for ages. So I was depressed until after p.e when I went wandering around with Laura and Lucy. Lucy told someone to have a "FANTASTIC WEEKEND" and I cracked up laughing and she didn't quite understand why until I said "I think your drawing's FANTASTIC!" at which point she too began to die laughing.

We went downstairs to my locker where Rebecca was. Laura knocked over one of the boxes she was carrying and she said something in one of those "teacher" voices. Can't remember what exactly she said, I think it was "I'm waiting." and she promptly killed us all. We all actually collapsed on the floor laughing. Lucy was flailing around as she is wont to do, Laura just fell down and I curled up on the floor. It was absurdly hilarious. Anyway we managed to get up and continue after a while.

I went up to the train station and they followed me for a little while before crossing the road. We were standing around for a while and this guy went by in an old vintage style sort of racing-convertible car thing. I went \m/ at him and he waved and tooted his horn and we went "whoo!" So that was good times!
And then I wasn't depressed any more so that was good. Although I went on the train and that was stupid and I was kind of "blehhhhhhhhhh" but BUT, we took Hamish to his piano lesson and we went to JB HiFi and I got Muse dvds: Hullabaloooooo and Absolution SO THAT WAS RAD! Hoorah!

So I guess that was good. I had a good day! And hopefully I will get my muse boxset tomorrow because on the forums some NZers have mentioned receiving theirs AT LAST. WHOOOOOOO that sounds good!
And tomorrow I have a sleepover whatsit so that should be good.
ALL IN ALL IT HAS BEEN A GOOD WEEK. It went pretty fast actually. Faster than last week.
GOOD TIMES! I am happy now and going to finish watching my Myoose dvd which I have only been able to watch one song off. Blah.

Also at jb-hifi they had AMAZING TVS. AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING. They were incredibly high quality! On one you could basically see every tiny little detail. It seemed like higher visual quality than actual visual life. Wow. Wooooooooooow. They were pretty.
Welp! That's all I guess. G'jbye!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hmm so Lucy's party was good, I had fun, I was muy happy afterwards for some reason. Anyway the week has been going pretty fast and I haven't even really noticed that it's almost the end of term because I've been busy waiting for my Myooose box set which HASN'T ARRIVED and everyone is annoyed because there have been lots of delays in getting them sent and whatnot. LE SIGH!
Have a science test tomorrow, blah... yeah.
Blah it's 10.00... I never get things done.
I'll just wait for my boxset. Which will have to come tomorrow or I may be turned in to a mad raving lunatic. =[
well gj'bye!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lol Undisclosed Desires

Yay one can insert a text break or a "cut" in lj speak! In the case that you may have many words to say, but they take up a great deal of space. Intrigued readers may CLICK THE CUT and more words will appear! WOW!!!!
Oooh, look, italics and bolds! I didn't notice those before. hi?
Wow! I'm in the compose section, and there's loads of things one can change! YOU CAN MAKE LISTS!!!

  • lol hi guys
  • baked beans aren't very nice
  • so today I had this piano thing
  • it went for an hour twenty
  • I had a pepsi today
  • Matt Bellamy is really good at the piano and it's not fair okay
also, quotes!
my name is billy bob and I proclaim that all hamburgers be abolished!

anyway. yeah.
here's a text break of despair for you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


tomorrow pour l'ecole we have stupid House Music. ARGGHBLEH... I have to dress as a farmer, how original. Our house has decided to do New Zealand culture! I repeat: how original! Uuuuuuuuuugh. I just cannot be bothered. What the hell.
Cannot be bothered with this upcoming week, as a matter of fact. Nothing else matters but the end of the week. I'm ignoring leaks, so that's when it will be. MUSE. The Re-friggin-sistance! Hahaha. It seems that is the same day as Lucy's party. I am quite glad to find out I get it on Saturday and not friggin' Monday. Says release in Australia is the 12th, so I assume that's the same for New Zealand. WHOO HOO. Of course that means that everyone at Lucy's will be right annoyed at me because I'll just be yelling about Muse the whole time. As a matter of fact I think I might have a piano thingy on that day as well... which means even less time able to listen to it. aarrgh. Just..... aaarrrgh. Apparently Unnatural Selection is INSANE. WHOOOO.
Anyway that's all. Just wanted to post a short blog.
Spent some time today playing runescape with mon frere. We shouted insults at each other the whole time. It was great. Most of them involved the word "mule" in some way. We had insults such as steamed ham mule, steamed clams mule and aurora borealis mule, to name a few. hahahaha. =D

Aww, crap. Just remembered that I don't have a swandri-esque shirt for house music. OH WELL!!!! I GUESS I CAN'T GO THEN!! THAT'S A SHAME! Never mind the fact that I don't really have any proper shorts, or normal looking gumboots. I have... green spotty gumboots. And I ask you: how on earth are you supposed to dance in gumboots? It's difficult enough walking in them for crying out loud. I really don't think that this has been thought through too well. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh