Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is boring. I'm bored now.

Awww, I wanted to have a ten day trial x2 of world of warcraft, but the box has no cd's in it. XDD
Oh well.
Doo-dee-doo, I got bored of playing Warcraft III because I kept dying. This particular part is quite difficult.
My ipod was being stupid, I think it is better now. Typical.
Starlight is a pretty epic song.
And also, I love songs that either have lyrics from other songs, or the album titles or whatever. So Muse and Fob are pretty great for that, Muse has black holes and revelations in the lyrics, and What a catch, donnie is pretty epic. It's got about a million other people singing lyrics from other fob songs, which is totally awesome. I'm going to go listen to it now, in fact.
So yeah, I'm bored, this sucks, need to observe the to do list. I am not adhering to its rules at all. Still most of them are like "do this everyday" or whatever so it's kind of difficult if I cannot remember what they are. XDD
Well, okay, yeah
The only alcoholic beverage I like is that vanilla kahlua stuff. Particularly nice with milk or on ice cream. XDD
I think people who are all like, "ooh got drunk on champagne" are being lame. (Hahaah, sorry Alice, your post just reminded me of that. I don't think you're lame.) I just think it's dumb to brag or just talk about it because it's like you're trying to be cool, and I say NO, that is LAME. Unless you do that on a regular basis. Generally I dislike it if is being said by someone I know, either a friend or a random, or by a young person. XD
SO MAYBE I AM BORING, at least I'm not trying to be cool to be ACCEPTED. I think it tastes gross anyway, I wouldn't try drinking lots of it to get drunk so I can brag about it.
So there.
I am feeling somewhat lethargic as you can probably tell by my somewhat monotonous sentences. It's all those full stops.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Yay Christmas

Today was a good day. =D
Anywhoo, I got the three cds, Fall Out Boy, The Killers and Muse. I have not really listened to The Killers yet but Muse and Fob are epic and amazing yes. I like them muchly. Got some books and other stuff, and also I got a new ipod, yes yes I did! aand it is 16gb, which is GOOD! His name is Pumpkin Chromation, and I guess Thrillho belongs to Hamish now. And well it is a pretty cool ipod I guess. Anyway, yeah. And I got the might boosh dvd. =D
So good times, OOH my cousin got an electric guitar and an amp with distortion and I FINALLY got to play an electric guitar with an amp and distortion. It was great. And also played guitar hero which was pretty fun.
Well yeah.
I don't really have anything else to say, I am a tad tired.
sooooooooo now I have to upload all my music.
Laaaaa deeeeeeeee daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Testing testing

Yeah doing more blog layout changes thanks to Alice.
Hmmm I have various different ones, mayhaps I shall post another poll? Not that the results will prove too conclusive considering the results of the last one... yeah, Richard Snorgle Mambo wins with a LANDSLIDE two votes! And coming in close behind, Sophocles Irate Millpool and Gibson Ronald Pigson each with one vote. Well folks, it was a tough battle but in the end Richard one. Too bad no one voted for Ebony-Ivory Sashalee, looks like her name wasn't failsome enough. Well I gotta say, this was a nailbiter! Just waiting for those votes to come in, counting them all... it's been great.

And the new layout has two different possible heading thingies as seen above. Which one should I choose? OOH THE DECISIONS, LIFE IS SO HARD

blehhhh, need sleep now.

Oh I see...

I do not actually really have anything to talk about.
No, um, yeah.
Anyway, I was kind of seriously annoyed today because my cousin said that my brother was better than me at piano just because he can play a 6 page piece that I am learning, but he skipped songs! And, well yeah it just REALLY ANNOYED ME. So I am going to prove my eliteness by finishing the 4th book and getting ahead of stupid brotherly one.
*waves fist in general direction*
And I'll get the best report out of all of my four cousins and brother, I'll get all e's in exams, I'll... I'll... I'LL SHOW THEM!!!
Whoo, Doctor Who marathon on Friday. Hoorah.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Complaaaaaaaainin' time!

Okay well you know that show I was rambling about, anywhoo, the last episode is supposed to be on Tuesday. Or at least start on Tuesday and go for five days. XD
The show is playing on Monday! But on Tuesday? No. Wednesday? No. After that? No, probably not. But the tv guide ended there.
So you play an entire show, then when it gets to the LAST EPISODE, you replace it with deal or no deal.
Not to mention them kicking off the office and 30 rock for, of all things, 90210 because some pathetic loser didn't want it on their channel ruining prime time television. And what's on in that time slot now? ICE TRUCKERS!!! OOOOH, QUALITY TELEVISION! If you do not like it just turn it off.
As I said before to my friend, television is STUPID. FACES.

Eyyy Christmas and whatnot

I mean really, I do not like Christmas songs, carols aren't so bad but the songs, like Snoopy's Christmas or whatever? I haate that song. And most of the others. I mean, "Mary's boychild"? Boychild? Really now. I think It's fairly obvious that he is not a manchild. Tsk.
Anyway, I tend to not get very hyperexcited about Christmas at all, and to be quite honest, Christmas is not Christmas WITHOUT A CHRISTMAS TREE.
And by Christmas tree, I mean a REAL ONE.
Seriously, I mean yeah artificial ones are okay particularly if you want a small tree or it is too much bother, but. But. Memory is triggered by smell the strongest and whatnot, and so the smell is pretty much the best thing and when I consider Christmas to be Christmas. (As you have probably gathered, we got a tree today.)
Aaaand I dunno, I guess you could say that I do not really care about the presents as much as I am looking forward to the anticipation of opening them and all the excitement? Hahahaah I sound like a five year old. And the presents are just the things you put in there, and you make them things you want so that it is better, but it is the whole opening of them and whatnot that is great. Or maybe I am just trying to justify commercialism. Is that the right word? Hahahah. Well yeah I love the presents but it is like, these days you cannot say that because otherwise you are not being a special and unique snowflake for pointing out how commercialised Christmas has become, how it is just about ads, "we'll call it Christmas when the adverts begin" OOOOOOH yeah. Well you know, the presents are still part of it. Just saying! =P Not trying to sound shallow, just trying to say that the whole not thinking about the whole religious side, the presents and whatnot is still part of it and is still good, it brings families together and.... yeah. I am rambling now aren't I.

*shuffles papers*
that concludes my ramble for the day. I am in a much better mood now, I shall go try tackle super mario again. (That game is HARD!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There's nothing quite as delightfully attractive as setting oneself up for disappointment!

This calls for bittersweet angsty happy cliche movie soundtrack music! My nomination is Move Along by the all american rejects. It seems SO APPROPRIATE, ticks all the boxes with its genericness in a nice sort of way.
Anywho, totally happysad.
I am in a very weird mood? Sort of... happy, let us celebrate fandom for all the positive sides, where a whole bunch of weirdos get together to discuss things and to become really way too emotionally invested in fictional characters and the relationships they have with other fictional characters. (guilty!!!) Happy because yay, flight of the conchords, it is back and seems pretty great, a livejournal thing that makes me happy, and, this other thing that makes me SO SAD. I mean, there is this aforementioned pairing, and well I am mucho confuzzled about it, because, well. It is never going to be canon. Basically, here are the facts: the show finished ages ago, there are four more episodes to go before it ends here. I have never seen the end before, I ship this one thing like burning, wikipedia says no, I say yes please, canon states: no and I am depressed, things happen in the last one like, random injuries and whatnot. In short: I AM DEPRESSED. I mean, I really want this one thing to happen, yet it does not, will not, there was a total possibility, there was a delightful canon happening that totally is against what wikipedia says, I JUST DON'T KNOW.

I would never ship anything else again just to have THIS SHIP.
This sucks.
And at the same time I am all really looking forward to it, good times ahoy.
Also! Everyone's a winner seems like a strangely appropriate song, as well as being generally awesome, I WANT ICE COFFEE. And also bruises by... chairlift, from that ipod ad. Good times.
(By the way, Ron and Hermione, totally the original OTP.)
Well, I guess I am just going to have to get over it and go on with life. (cue music!)
I am so beat up about this, it really is quite sad. I am a great loser. (There were so many blindingly obvious clues. The clues. The cluuuuuuuues!!!)

That will be all... must resist urge to use a quote of some sort. Oh screw it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

If I could say a few words... then I'd be a much better public speaker

well it was busy at newmarket today, or "midtown" as they say. Actually, they don't say. Anyway, it was. Could not go very far without seeing someone you recognised. Anyway, discovered a pretty epic drink, Ramune. I mean, it has a marble that floats in it. It is nearly impossible to open. It has caaaaaaaaandy that tastes like it. And it tastes pretty great. I LOVE IT. Those crazy Japanese people. =D
Well, so, yeah! You know, I really could use a little waterproof laptop in the shower or something for jotting down notes. I always have the best blog musings there.
So, what annoys me is when people tell their kids that they are fat and have to do exercise when they are just normal. Yeah, way to promote "healthy" body image, guys. Give your kids bad self esteem and make them feel they have to be anorexic to be pretty and accepted, whoohoo! Jeez, let them feel comfortable how they are without feeling as if they have to be so skinny you can see their entire ribcage from the front and back. Lamefaces. I mean, I understand wanting them to be fit and eat healthy and all, but really now.

Aaaand, I notice no one seems to really listen to me. (oh, the tragedy!) No but seriously, I give these really inspirational impromptu speeches to my friends, and they are like "wow that was great" but by the next day they have forgotten everything I told them and go back to their usual, "I SUCK" thoughts. They go, oooh how sucky this is, how x I am, and I go, STOP YOU LOSERS. And set them straight, that they do not suck, or that they are just being lame and if they think like that they will suck, blah blah blah, and they go, wow, thanks, that was really cool, and then, no. It just seems nothing I say makes a difference? And I am being honest, not just one of those people who compliments people way too much when they are not actually that great, or whatever. I mean, if someone says "I'm so ugly" I'm not going to go, "no, you're GORGEOUS!!!" I am just going to go, shut up, you are not ugly, get over it. Okay, bad example, but trust me, I make inspirational speeches. ;D

Like one time I kinda said a lot of things and I got accused of trying to "reform and change" the person. And they were all angry and "this is who I am!!!"
Riiiight, so said person actually WANTS to whine and cry and hate their life and actually wants to complain about how much they suck and can't do anything. I just want them to be the positive, happy, downright hilarious person they used to be. They never properly make me laugh now, but they used to have me laughing till I cried. It helped me a lot when I was going through a "BAH LIFE SUCKS" phase.

Well, to be quite honest, I am just not going to bother any more. If they say, "oh I'm so stupid, I'm so bad at this" I'm just going to be like, yeah, you are! Deal with it. Change your self. I'm not giving you attention or compliments.
And well, other times, even if I am talking at a normal pitch, or maybe louder, sometimes I just talk and then realise the person is not listening and have to repeat myself. (No, this is not talking about the same person. In fact this little bit about not listening is referring to my family. XDDD)

I also seem to be the one left out, the one no one likes to tell things to, as if they DO NOT TRUST ME. Well that has not happened as much lately, but it happens A SUSPICIOUSLY LARGE AMOUNT. Hahahaha, I always seem to miss out when big revelations happen. Not that they do not trust me because I spill secrets or anything! I just do not seem to be too close to most of my friends, and even one of my close friends does not tell me stuff often. Have to torture it out of them.
Oh well! Hey I managed to angst about stuff without being angsty, now there is a skill I think we could all use. =D
Okay maybe I was a little angsty. =P I am still in high spirits however.

Dos canciones: 3 Libras- A Perfect Circle
Criminal- Fiona Apple

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

School, it is over

Things have been pretty busy right now! Which I find stupid, as it is the end of the year, so it should be a chilling out time, not a busy busy busy flail time. Still. I seem to have a lot of things that are going to happen soon. Anyway, I just want it to be the holidays. Which it will be, soon. Just a little longer.
Hmm. A little apprehensive for next year, considering friends are leaving! Well, I mean, I will do fine without them, it is just... it will definitely be a bit more boring without them. Does that mean I will have more time for homework? Ooh, that sure is... exciting.
Well... yeah, had three shared lunches today. Haha, I guess the phrase shared lunch means having lunch together, although instead of sandwiches you just have chips and lollies and cake and then you feel like throwing up. It is pretty great.
Oooh, not quite as into the new nano ipods as I was before! Shock horror. I mean, I love them and all, and much as I want a pumpkin chromation orange ipod, it seems pointless to get it seeing as I have a functioning one already. And it would just be sad to abandon old Thrillho. I mean, the new ones are pretty thin. You can't throw them on the ground when they stop working. And also, they are not mixtape friendly. You have various artists on one album? They kind of have a spazz at you. Not good.
So, yeah.
I always have my "deep and meaningful blogworthy" thoughts in the most inconvenient places/times. Like, when just about to go to sleep or doing jobs. I cannot really go run to a laptop, and when I do write it down it kinda deflates in to fail.
Well, my goal is to rectify this situation. There will be more interesting blog posts, I guarantee! (Wait, didn't I already make a promise like this? Gah.)
Anyway. There will be.
I had $10.50 in library fines. I was not happy. No.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Whining time!

Awww man, only one person seems to be active here right now! I am sadness. =[
I suddenly have a mild obsession with the song PF by Controller.controller. Too bad that they are no longer a band??
Well. Hmmm.
Every day I become more obsessed with the new ipods. However, the fact that my friend bought one yesterday? And already today, it refused to turn on is not a good omen, not at all. But still. OMGAAAAAH, wow wow wow.
I keep running out of things to saaaaaaaaaaaay
anyway, so well yeah. We had fun in English today messing with the computers in the multimedia room. Hopefully next time someone logs in it will be in reversed colours, and whenever an alert pops up a voice will say "wibble wobble pizza pizza pizza sorry that button sticks" and a lot more about talking to the humans.
We also added a sticky, saying odd things and saying someone's name, which happened to be very long. (It is something we do. Long names. Other people just do not get it. =D)
Christmas is a strange thing is it not?
I will leave you with that, DEEP AND INSIGHTFUL question.
Get Free- The Vines

Sunday, December 7, 2008

La la laaa, the glorious technobabble prevails still

Ooooh, 6:47 and I have to finish a social studies thing.
Of course, procrastination woo.
Cannot be bothered with this last week of school, prizegiving, chapel, blah blah blah.
Still. I have discovered the epic win that is indiefeed podcasts.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah wow so awesome!
And I knew some of the bands already, yay me. Controller.controller and amirite, is Mad Marge and the Stonecutters a totally rad name for a band yes?
It is.
You know it is.
It is pretty great, yes it is. Having fun being overwhelmed by absolutely huge amounts of music.
Pfft, looks like I will not be getting a 16 gig nano, pretty lame and stupid, an 8 gig would only allow me to fit most of my music, so no games, photos or videos for me. oooh, goody. *grumblemumblemuttersnark*
hmm, watching a thing on life after humans. Interesting, but, if all the humans are dead (affirmative, I poked one it was dead) then why would the animals be alive? How do they all get wiped out in one split second without any animals dying? Huh? Huh? Answer me that. More likely to happen over time, with some big huge zombie infection or whatever. So yeah, anyway, whatever. =D
Lol, manmade stuff kind of fails without people. =D YAY NATURE.
Hoorah, stuff due in tomorrow.
Procrastinating? Why, yes, I am! Hoorah! Well, it would be pretty cool once humans are gone. Everything will just decompose and crumble and go back to nature, la la laaaa~~~ good times.
Well, that is all for now I thinks. =D
Well, it is now 8:56. (no it did not take me that long to write this, I just forgot about it yeah.)

Oh right, I need four songs. Here they are:
Fell in love with a girl- The White Stripes
RPM- Sugar Ray
Stutter- Elastica
Here and now- Letters to Cleo

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yay, back to my "laid back" roots. Hahahaha.

Today I successfully blew a bubble from bubblegum for the first time evar!!! Yay for me!
Well yeah, my unnecessary worrying brought upon myself by sheer tiredness was, of course, completely unnecessary. So that was good. We had a science test, and well that was okaaaaaaaaaaay, but I would rather just ignore that.
And French stories? Yeah. Ours. Radtastic.
Anyway, Lunch was good, I had toblerone. YUM.
Well it sucks that I still have homework and whatnot (school ends next week. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS IMAGE.)
And yeah, it is just a delightfully spiffing, incredibly strangely warm night.
And we went to the park, yeah, that? Was strange.
For many reasons, but it was enjoyable and then my mum went all stupid and like "well what would the school think about you being in a park for three hours?"
What. Yeah. My brain, cannot compute.
So undoubtedly I will be worried Sunday night, but it does not actually matter. But I will try to not procrastinate. Yay.

Yeah, I always think people are spying on my internet dealings. I mean, it is totally stupid, but whenever I want to like go on to see what hilarious monstrosities are lurking in the corners, I feel like "WHO IS WATCHING ME" and cannot do it. But for most other things, I do not think like that. Even if it is for something that most sane people would find bizarre, no! It seems kinda "not worried" for me. Strangeness. Strangeness indeed!
I am happy with life. In general. I am wearing headphones for a belt, yeah. Clever much?
Anyway, pulp sport should be on now. Good old classic Koiwoi television. I love it. XDD
Au revoir- dammit! Well I have to get over that thing. XDD
Still that one particular word will be something I will not like.
Oh great, some lame movie with Hilary Duff is on. Pfft a kid just spelled combustible. Dude, there are meant to be waaaaaaay harder words in a spelling bee. Like... quixotic, or something. Ok not that, that is easy, words you have never heard of before in your life type words. Hahah.
Well it had better be over soon. *frown!!!*
Guess that will be all. Ugh, Hilary Duff sure likes terrible awful chick flicks. Still. At least she has more emotion on her face than that Twilight girl. Hahaha, funny. Well, I do not wish to dwell on thoughts of Hilary Duff and Twilight. Blerg, upset I even mentioned it.
Good, it is over. The credits are playing with some lame techno pop song. hahahaha.

To quote Howard Moon, I believe it was: "crrrazy days."

Thursday, December 4, 2008

OH erm I have capslock problems.

Caffeine makes me sleepy, not energetic.
Excuse me for a moment.

Anyway. Well I would like to talk but... I have a slight suspicion if seen on the interwebs I will be told to get off the interwebs, as I have a science test tomorrow and I am possibly a little doomed. (That subject was SO short! Biochemistry, it is really rather fascinating.)
Well and also? Well I like to draw but I am not THAT GREAT, I only draw people really so and well I have to illustrate aforementioned french story- I HAVE DRAWN ONE THING- by tomorrow, asdfasdfasdf aaaaaaaaaaand then and then I can relax at a friends, and then and then, well, I have p.e LAST I think which makes me mad but is also handy! for getting changed straight in to STREET CLOTHES ooh and erm uh erm well you see, then on monday I have a maths test, as well as having to present a social studies powerpoint on josef stalin and a spanish poster about christmas.
Now I love spanish, but this poster, I cannot understand IT. I mean, I cannot wrap my head around it, I have NO IDEA what I am doing and have done, very very little.
It holds NO interest for me. It is just... different. Okay. Yeah.
Well above rant was.... well not about any of those things, let me rant about those things in mental person form.

more concise, aaaaaaaargh shut up shut up.
bleh stupidity. Um... aaaaaand I had maths homework which I forgot about and as such have not done.
B-I-G S-I-G-H!!!!!
No, for serious.

I will have gotten over it, for the most part, by tomorrow afternoon.
(But not the first thing I yelled about. No, sir, I do not believe that will be happening.)
(Please do not be concerned for my general wellbeing, it has nothing to do with me, or any non fictional people. I know, I loser, I loser, I sorry.)
Oh yeah, need two more songs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

If you speak French and wish to be offended by my terrible writing, then this is the blog for YOU!

So, today was good as well. Erm yes. I got new converse shoes, yay. They are white, which at first dismayed me but they are in fact covered in random writing and graffiti and whatnot, so they are pretty alright.
Well you know, I was thinking about the whole shipping thing and I do not feel like talking about it, (hahah ok words of an angry person) buuuut maybe I will?
Seeeee I have three levels of shipping: the otp level, the ok I ship this a lot but not enough to squee like a loon level and the I ship it for the lulz level.
So, I do not have many in the otp level. Let us see. Maybe four, perhaps? And two of those I do not even ship that much. I mean, that is to say, three of these? I do not want to canonically happen. But I still ship them. And the last one, well, I dunno, but that particular fandom? I am waaay too late to the parade. It maekez me sad. Aaand, it is a strange pairing because it is a het pairing (like oh my god how ABNORMAL) and the other three are slash, I mean to say. But that is not why it is weird, no… it is weird because the other three slash pairings seem to have more subtext than those two, I am for serious, but that last one? I currently ship WAY more than the other three. Because asdgahsgagh I do not even know. And I do not think many other people see it. OH, THE TRAGEDY!
Sooo well I shall continue watching for any other moments. (There are lots. I mean, you see a part, right? And it is like, “ohnoes go find someone to help you!” or, you know, something and I just think to myself, “it’s them it’s them” and who is it? That’s right, it is THEM. I mean, you cannot deny there is most definitely something there. XD hehehahahah. OK
So that is that. (Oh, aand the other pairings? Well, one will never become canon in a thousand years simply because that would be plain weird and it is like totally unrequited hahahaha, one could be possible but is just not going to happen because it is a small show and although it would make the majority of fans very very happy, there is the whole, well being bffs and it being completely awkward, surprise surprise, and the last one? Well, okay, this is House and Wilson. Fairly self explanatory. Well, not really but, never going to happen!)

Gooooooooooooooooooood times.
So like hey, I guess when I go to university I am going to be doing a BA thingy huh huh
I got a booklet thing. They were in the library, and during English instead of working we just read them. That was fun. And we wrote a very strange story in French, well we are planning it anyway. I shall copypasta it because, well I FEEL LIKE IT OKAY, maybe I have nothing else to say so I shall provide an interesting distraction that you can translate in babelfish to see what horrendously hilarious translations it comes up with. Hahah cool ma madre es playing house of the rising sun on the piano, which I can now kinda sorta play on the guitar! HOORAY!
Anyway. (There are probably a million mistakes. =D)

Le plot
Lucie est tres triste et se fache a Jacques. Ils ont se disputer parce que Jacques aime les rennes et il a voulé Lucie acheter un renne pour noel. Mais Lucie deteste Jacques et les rennes donc elle tue tout des rennes dans le monde dans la veille de noel. Quelle horreur ! Quand Jacques decouvre ses plans il est tres triste. Il vole a elle maison combattre, mais quand il y arrive, Lucie dis, « non ! je voules combattre dans la tour eiffel ! »
« D’accord, on se voir a cinq heures ! » Il a diré.
Il promene à le centre-ville acheter un cadeau pour ses mere. Il a acheter un serviette de thé et un cd de musique classique. Quelle fantastique !
Il regarde un montre et il realise que il est tard pour le combat ! Quelle Horreur !

Hee hee. Most of that is probably incorrect in some way.
Oooh ok I want to learn it on the piano now.
Oh yeah and I was looking at a theory book today, WHAT WHAT I know NONE of that. I am a terrible music theory person. *hangs head in shame*

The converse shoes are a bit big for me, I HAVE TO GO PURCHASE ITEMS OF A SUGARY NATURE for secret santa.
Apologies, I do not know why I feel the need to SUDDENLY TALK IN CAPS at random times. ??
I was feeling all depressed in the weekend because I found all this old stuff when tidying my room and I was all NO WHY DO I HAVE ALL THIS STUFF THAT I WILL NEVER USE and I was really sad because minorly sad things make me majorly sad.
I really wish my messenger bag fit my laptop and books. Because then it would be school-compatible. But alas, it is not. I saw a my chem one that looked like it could fit plenty, but see now, I already have a good messenger bag, and there would be no point in getting another one. So I suppose I just have to either stay with my big stupid bag or get a macpac. Oh, such a… what is the word? Prediction? Predilection? Commotion? Preperlition? OH YOU KNOW WHAT WORD I MEAN. AARGGH!!!
Why can I not remember it? PLEASE HELP- AH! PREDICAMENT!
Hahahaha. Such a predicament.
Well I guess that is all for now, au revoir (please to be fearing my French speaking skills.)

Monday, December 1, 2008

If you like hearing about the contents of my sandwich, then this is not the blog for YOU! (but similar things are inside)

Well like well um well er. So I had lots of things I thought about but do not feel like writing. Is this HOW IT IS GOING TO BE?? OHNOES!!!
Well today was a horrible weather day. First day of summer my foot. Disgusting. =D
Today was good. We had some good times inventing a lover named Tittles.
There was no maths and no french, which was good. EGADS this is going to become a MY DAY blog innit? FAIL FAIL HAHAHA.
Well, I am in one of those, "I have lots of thoughts but when it comes to writing I cannot remember" moments.
I hate them muchly. Well let me just share some musings on panic at the disco: all the "cool" people hate them but I LIKE them okay, because their first album is all dark and dancy and very dark purple in sound, and Intermission is freaking creepy okay, and then their next album is LOL GAY SKIPPING THROUGH FIELDS YAY LA LA LAAAAA~ which is also totally awesome. So, um, haters to the left???
Ho hum. Seriously, overcast days are UNINSPIRING!! Well I suppose in a way they can be, but no, not today. No thank you.
Yes, I always laugh to myself when people say "I want to see more of you." Maybe I am retarded. Or maybe everyone else is not as much of a dork as me.
Kind of sick of this week already! Heheheh well I am going to sleep, methinks.
But BY the way, we totally OWNED the entire rest of the class in drama with our little performance of that seven stages of man thing. Which we conjured up in two minutes. And one group did not even finish. Allow me to have a selfish gloating moment: HAH!
That is all. I shall return with more interesting things to say, I... PROMISE! There I said it. Now I have to share my musings. Hoorah.
SONG: In The Meantime- Spacehog

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The furniture matches the ceiling

So SATURDAY SONGS ARE: Da da da by Belaire AND Between Us And Them by Moving Units
But those are not the song of the day! No, no. I just decided they were good Saturday songs, okay okay.??
Well it was a nice day yeah. Aaaand here is a lame bad quality picture of me and my haircut for Alice. (although it is reversed so yeah.) Because she asked for it and because she shall do the same for me.
BEHOLD! Perhaps. Lol FAIL and stupid picture of me is FAIL. =3 (lyk, the lighting was lyk sooooo bad!!11 I lyk lukd soooooooo ugly lols11!!)
Heyyy what, so today I saw Phantom Of the Opera, it was actually like seriously rad, because there were super tricks and big flames that you could feel the heat from from way away and they went down on big statue floaty things (okay that sounds retarded, but.) And well it was just rad okay so SHUT UP people who are COOLER than me! =D
Good times.
Well I am amused by everything, today is good, I want to get three cds: They are, the new fob album, because well you know, Headfirst slide into Cooperstown on a bad bet is pretty much the greatest song ever. (okay I know it's not but WOW.) And, blackholes and revelations by muse and Day and Age by The Killers. Well actually I want lots of cds but I want those because they seem purchasable. Also I want the sims 2 nightlife, because a) vampires, b) I need a new expansion back, and c) I want to download more custom content.
Wow, when did this become a "I WANT THIS STUFF GIMME" post?
Oh well. *noncommital shrug!*
Something smells goooood.
Well, I think that is all. Although there is a serious bout of generall sickness going around, which sucks because Summer is Arriving! Hooray.
So, well, yeah. (by the way, that is my mildly surprised, unimpressed posing for a picture face.)
Dude: Firstly, I love the get smart theme song, secondly, song!: I got a girl by Tripping Daisy.

Friday, November 28, 2008

SO THERE, person who everyone likes! (and who I like too but really now.)

AND, and. If someone says something and I disagree, somewhat, I am NOT GOING TO AGREE!! No, sir. Especially if that negative view is somewhat elitist. You see, when people say they do not like something, I take that, most of the time to mean they think they are better than the people who like it and I feel offended and worried that my views are wrong or I am stupid or something.

Yeah, well you may say guitars are overrated and everyone else might nod a little and make "mm's" of approval well STFU. I LIKE GUITARS, just because a lot of people play them and you are not that fond does not make your word law SHUT UP LALALALA NOT listening.

Also, a girl was like, "that book is stupid! it is badly written and the plot sucks." I took that to be quite elitist because most of the english teachers thought it was good, most people thought it was good and you are just being stupid. =[
That person would just have had high standards. I mean, writing wise? it was fine! And, and. It was more the IDEAS the book talked about. They were good ideas, they rather were. So, SHUSH. Okay. I thought it was a good book. Not the OMGBESTBOOKINTHEWORLD but it was good! so shut up with your angry complaints.

Or maybe I just get overly and irrationally angry and upset when something is talked about negatively. No, that is not a maybe, a peut-etre. It is a definitely. I worry and fret for ages.

Ok, that just blurted out.
I am going to sleep now.
Song: Jurrassitol by Filter

After a while you may notice my blog titles will become more unoriginal, such as, "blah"

Well it has been a mildly good week, but I do have a problem with my brother. Now we usually get on well with minor casualties, however these past few days he has been very violent and hard to deal with. Ok, so I do not help by calling him stupid and laughing at him, but I am not violent and aggressive. Generally his idea of violent and aggressive is punching and kicking and general flailing, however lately he just screams in a high pitched voice about how much he hates me and how I always go on the internet, and whenever I do not go to swimming he says in a condescending tone, "It's not a matter of I don't feel like it, it's a matter of having to go!" Pfft. He's eleven. How DARE he be patronising. Well. I dunno, I mean this morning going to school I had to do spelling with him and when he couldn't understand that a word had two r's in it, he got really mad and when I tried to hint towards the r thing he yelled at me, then later sulked, refused to spell the next word and said how stupid I was and how he hated me and how stupid the words were. Well. And by the way this laptop keyboard is totally cool because it sounds somewhat like a typewriter whenever I press the space key so there is this big tapping noise. Hooray hoorah.

I am NOT GOOD with awkward situations. I mean not like those silent moments, where no one says anything- you know, everyone seems to instantly think the moment there is silence that it is AWKWARD!!! No one ever lets it continue as a silent, deep and meaningful pondering or whatever. Someone has to go, "awkward giraffe!" or whatever or say, "well. this is awkward." and then I get quietly annoyed to myself because IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE. I mean really.
Anyway, I mean awkward like when someone randomly breaks down crying. CANNOT. DEAL. You know how girls are all like, "oh my god what's wrong?" and then rub your back and make sympathetic noises and reassure and calm down the hysterical/quiet sobber. But, no, no. That is awkward for me, because I do not know WHAT THE HELL TO DO. So, NO. If someone storms out crying, I am not really going to say anything to them! Well, actually, depending on what they were crying over I might yell at them for being an idiot or something. (In an inspiring, this is not you sort of way. Or something lame. Or maybe something Kamina might say.)

AAAAAAAAaaaanyway, yeah that is about it. Same goes for like when falling off something, or smacking in to a tree. (Yeah, that kind of sucked.)
Fridays really are quite a joyous occasion. Well not that joyous, but... just something nice about not having to get up. AND LET ME go on another ramble. It will be about: MORNINGS.

See, on a school morning, I am plagued with a dull head. This head is warm, uncomfortable and angry in a way that it really cannot be BOTHERED being angry, so it settles for, why why why must this happen to me. If I were to return to bed, I could fall asleep in the most SATISFYING way possible: straight away in a big feeling of warmth. The home of my head, basically. In other words, my head has been plucked from its warm comforting home, and the moment it is reconnected all natural balances shall be restored. This never happens, of course.

HOWEVER! On the weekends. This instantly changes. (Damn you, internal body clock.) If I was to be woken up at the usual time for school, I would have the privilege of going back to sleep. I in fact tried this method once, and it did not work. I did go back to sleep, but it was UNcomfortable. It was downright bleh. Basically I sleep in till about nine, sometimes just stay there, until ten, eleven, depending on how lazy/how much I sleep/when I went to sleep the previous night, I can get up at twelve. But, it is just not satisfying.
Typical. Hard to please some people!

Well, not much more is happening. I kind of wish there was not another Artemis Fowl book. You know, they get to a point where you start to say, "what, another?" and it is not quiiiite as great. That happened with the Alex Rider series except the last one was really just as good as the others. Have not read much of the newest Artemis Fowl but it seems different. I dunno why, Artemis still has his pompous ways but he seems different. And I have not really laughed yet! Dude those books always crack me up by at least the tenth page.

Well, ambivalence. (Does that have anything to do with valence electrons? I wondered this to myself once.)

Something about this place is good for my writing ways. God, can I go at least ONE post without mentioning the differences between Blogspot and Livejournal? The answer is, NO. (now for the comparison: livejournal is harder to write in I dunno why it just is STOP)

Song!!! The song is:Piranhas, by Tripping Daisy
(oh yeah and like what? okay.)
(the above was me thinking, hay let's write about that but then thinking, wait you shouldn't, and then agreeing with myself.)

Well, I do not consider myself to be that talkative. Indeed most of the time I clam up and mumble.

I now end this ramble. I really have to learn how to cut these incessant ramblings down a bit.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

AAAAH my face hurts


(For crying down the plughole, stop posting!!!)

The Riverboat Song by Ocean Colour Scene


I am trying to make this place homely already, I have ocd yeah yes yeah
sorrysorrysorry piercing drill in my brain to the back right ouch. That hurts, man.
Sorry about this.

So obsessed

a placebo? nah, nah wrong word. It is more like... weaning myself off fandom obsessions.
See, this place... I have decided very rapidly that it is great. I have way too many thoughts inside my head, hopefully I can learn to put them here so I can stop thinking thinking thinking so much! I mean, all the time. Aaand... you know, I kind of am hoping that I can get better and organisation and stuff, sooo... man I am tired. Of course, I cannot really stay away from this place. Already. Heh.

But... man, it is so great, and, lately I have been kind of worried because I will be thinking and suddenly panic like, what! I have nothing I am obsessed with right now! And it is kind of worrying, I feel kind of lost. But I think, I am getting more away from fandom, and this makes me sad and happy. I have always been a lurker, never really participating, it is just not my thing. I mainly just look at fandomsecrets. And out of my friends, I am the one that knows the most about fandom and fanfiction, but I almost never ever read it. It does not seem to work for me, I prefer to daydream and squee by myself. Aaaaaand, well, I guess I will always be a part of it in a detached way, but it takes over my life and I want to be able to study better and get homework done on time and whatnot. Yeah, see fandom seems to be my priority and I would like to change that. It has improved my life and also destroyed it in a way. And I think I am already changing.

So that is good. I think, if this can be my new obsession I can get all the things cluttering my mind out of the way, and become a more relaxed person. I mean, I do not stress or anything but sometimes I worry and fret too, you know. =P Just not about exams, more about... I dunno. Well, I love my little fandoms and I will always be able to go back and, in fact I will not leave that would just break off some of my heart, man. But.... well I feel confuzzled now, today has been too taxing on my brain, I have too much time to think about random things than school learnings. So, I am learning to leave it behind in a way I am still there. I admire people who can manage their time between interwebs, school, homework and study and music lessons/sport really well. They have a good skill. And, well I hope to improve my life a bit more.
Well great a depressing post already, did not really intend for it to be that way but I feel just good about stuff.

And, man, I kind of have a thing for tv shows. Not tv itself, but tv SHOWS. Yeeaah... cannot really talk about most of 'em for several reasons, bwahaha, I am kind of messed up.
But who is not eh?

Am I too optimistic sometimes? MOOOOOODSWINGS...
My head hurts. XDDD
Sorry, I dunno BLERG BLAHRAGHAGH AIJG the world is strange I gotta go now before I kill something happy yay oooooooooohoadgfai hsgo ha I HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, I HAVE TO RUN OR SOMETHING

Next song: 4 am by Our Lady Peace

It's not a side effect of the cocaine, I am thinking it must be love.

Woah what Richard Barker: what? listening to the radio, that sounds um... weird.
But not as weird as this little bit of brain vomit. *Ahem*

Yay for everything!
I want to read invisible monsters now.
Aaaaaaaand, everything is yay. Those nano chromatic ipods? They are drool worthy. I do not like the new style, with everything tilted and coverflowy but aaaaah so nice.
Anyway I am obsessed with this place, not sure why. It has a style that livejournal lacks? It is just… well I dunno. Anyway posting here is fun and different to my immature squeeing on livejournal, hahah. I could just yabber on all day about anything, in my mind, but when it comes to writing it just goes blaaaaaaaaaaaank.
Glorious technobabble?
People start with similar interests and branch off from there. You will start off similar, then one will go, say, indie and fashionsense like, with enjoyment of pale colours and simplicity with small font and greys. (Yes, Imma talk ‘bout joo, Alice. =3) And then the other will go more, green and flail and underground rock with boring happiness with an underlying coat of HEY HEY LOOK I AM AN INTERNET PERSON.

Haha, apologies for everything I say, ever. I am trying to be artistic, perhaps?
Who is to say what artisticness is, huh. Because you could have your poetic, emo despair: my eyes close as the blood spills over, out of my every pore- Okay, turned from angst to Ebola. *cough* Your strange, no- sense making type, e.g. panic at the disco- a daydream spills from my corked head, breaks free of my wooden neck… really? What the hell, ryanross. Your fall out boy strange song titles and interesting lyrics, tempest in a teacup, get unique, peroxide princess shine like shark teeth… yeah. And your genius weirdos like Lucy, with her descriptive emotive pieces all about people and sunflowers and how she wins every competition. The artists who do strange pieces, like Picasso with his cubism to underground artists who just attack canvas with blotches of paint and sell it for a million dollars to be over-psychoanalysed by professional interpreters.

So who really knows? You can accuse stuff of whatever, like that picture of a lady sitting at a table eating toast, then with a description of how it shows the poverty and blah blah blah, when it is just a simple picture with no real sense of lighting and composure and I am pretty sure the person was not thinking those things when they took the picture, they just went hey this would look good and snap! And then FAME FAME WOW. So it doesn’t have to be all glorious colours and excitement and textures and words that make no sense, it can just be a photo of a shell (uninspired nature pics what) or a photo of a road or a building or a blurry webcam picture of a cat, hey what IT COULD ALL BE CONSIDERED ART.
So yay for no boundaries!

Wow. So this is what happens when I just start writing, huh? I probably should not do that again. XDD staying home sick over stimulates my brain? That makes no sense either.
You might think simplicity or over complexity is the key, but with writing it does not always matter. Or pictures and paintings. Everything can be appreciated, by elitists or amateurs or whatEVER.

I love the world and I hate it, it is totally great huh.
Or maybe it is just that coffee I had. Perhaps it has a subtle brain effect?
(Euphemism for Alice, ilu, thank you for introducing me to this place so I can write and write like the world shall explode.)

p.s: okay, awesome? I used spell check for the first time in like ever, and a suggestion for what ryanross should actually be was Ryan Ross. I do not know what that implies, but I am easily amused.

Yeah, I have never listened to that song in my life, but it is very true about me: for a pessimist, I am pretty optimistic.

This concludes my musings for today.
Also, at the end of posts I shall put the name of a song. FIND IT AND LISTEN TO IT. If you like it, then yay. It is from a collection of weird songs I have.
It is: Mirage by Midnight Movies

OVER AND OUT. Finally.
Wait… no. Anyone know the name of that song… by Chopin? You know… that one? The spastic one that reminds me of that el cuckoo song? And it goes all wheee woosh excitement then a little relaxed part that is all ooooh emotional but not spastic and then it goes back to the spastic angry bit. Anyone?
HELP? It is kinda well known?
Well only two people read this, so hahaha. Whatever.

Only YOU can prevent wildfires.
Wow. Pressure much? Only YOU.
Haha… sucks to be you!!! Good luck with that one, buddy. Not even smokey bear can help.
Only YOU.


Hmm, just playing around with layouts so it might look kinda stupid. Also, yay I get the day off. I feel like maybe I should be at school because I only have a cold but I went yesterday and it was absolutely terrible. I seem to have a toothache, a headache, a block nose, a sore stomach, a sore left hand middle finger, asthma and a cough. YAY FOR ME.
Still they say you should go home if you feel really sucky. THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING. And... I have to do homework too. XDD well not really. But... yeah. it is ten fifty, I have.... ten minutes till eleven, then .... I have four hours and ten minutes until three. I do not know why I am saying that. It is uneccessary. Weeeeeeeeeell..... yeah.

Oh man, I have this random ticky box thing at the bottom of posts now and I do not know how to get rid of it. I do not want it any more. XD
Yay! got rid of it!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hey hey, at the bottom there is a poll and a list. LOOK AT THEM.

Edit: ok, poll on the side now. And baleeted the list. =3

Friday, November 14, 2008

Why hello there

oh snap I made one of these huh. Well it is basically just so I can lurk on Alice's page. I prefer el jay to be quite honest. Hahahah.